School Food

“Good food should be a right and not a privilege.”

Alice Waters, Founder of Chez Parnisse and The Edible Schoolyard Project
Getting school children involved in planting vegetables in
a school kitchen garden


Birke Baehr -“what’s Wrong With Our Food System? And How Can We Make A Difference?”



Bee Wilson – Chair of TastEd
TastEd website

Bee Wilson is a food writer and broadcaster and the author of five books, including First Bite: How We Learn to Eat (2016) in which she wrote about the Sapere method of food education in Finland.  Her latest book is The Way We Eat Now in which she writes about TastEd. She has long been interested in school food and served two terms as a school governor at St Matthew’s primary school in Cambridge, where she has been piloting TastEd lessons alongside teachers. Her current favourite way to eat a carrot is in a Burmese salad with mint, peanuts and lime juice.


Facebook groups

Permaculture for Children:

Soil Association Food for Life: School gardens are sprouting up all over the U.S. offering kids and parents an opportunity to learn how to grow their own food using organic methods. Special Thanks to OAS School. Produced by Jill Cloutier and Carol Hirashima, Sustainable World Media.



Bettina Elias Siegel

Kid Food: The Challenge of Feeding Children in a Highly Processed World

Bettina Elias Siegel is a former lawyer, a mom of two, and a nationally recognized writer and advocate on issues relating to children and food policy. Learn more about Bettina here. 

  • The first book to critically examine how America’s food culture exploits children — and misleads parents
  • Exposes predatory food-industry techniques for both marketing directly to children and convincing parents that highly-processed products are “healthy”
  • Extensive coverage of America’s school-food program, including why, even after Obama-era reforms, school meals are still so often dominated by processed foods, many bearing popular junk-food trademarks
  • Offers scientific and historical context to popular concepts like picky eating and the omnipresent but unhealthy restaurant “kid’s menu
  • Weaves in first-person accounts of real parents struggling to raise healthy kids in America
  • Authored by a leading voice on children’s food environments and school food — herself a mom of two, a former food-industry marketing attorney, and one of the most successful petitioners in the history of

Blog: The Lunch Tray





Waterloo region – School gardens

Healthy Eating at School


New Zealand

South Africa

Assessment of food gardens as nutrition tool in primary schools in South Africa


Jamie Oliver’s Kitchen Garden Project:


Shape Your Future: The Benefits of School and Community Gardens


The Edible Schoolyard Project:

Poe Center: School & Community Garden Resources

Slow Food USA: The National School Garden Program

Denver: Starting a School-Based Community Garden

Las Vegas: Growing a school community

Pasedena Educational Foundation: School Community Gardens

International organisations





From garden to plate: how schools benefit from growing their own produce

Farm To School, Digging Into The Growing Trend Of Schools Growing Their Own Food

Planning Sustainable School Gardens: Introduction

The Benefits of Building an Urban Garden at Your School



Visit What’s a “delicious revolution”? Edible Schoolyard founder Alice Waters talks about the value of garden and kitchen experiences in transforming students’ relationship to food.
Children who grow vegetables, eat vegetables. That’s why we have rounded up the best tips and advice on starting a successful School Garden.
The nature of education is changing today and school gardens are at the head of the shift. Life Lab, a national leader in the garden-based learning movement, shares why school gardens will be essential for the education of the future.
Berkeley, CA; This campus gardening project has done more than teach students about the fundamentals of organic gardening. It’s taught life lessons about interdependence, caring for the environment, and the value of hard work. Read more about these middle school students who grow their own lunch:…
What happens when kids swap playing with electronics for growing gardens? What do they choose when their cafeterias offer tomatoes and broccoli along side of nachos and pizza? They try new foods. They learn to cook. They get excited about healthy choices. Imagine if more kids had that chance. Learn more at
School Garden-Based Nutrition Education The Riddle Elementary School Garden, Cavanaugh Elementary School Garden, Mid-Michigan Leadership Academy Garden and Willow Elementary School Gardens teach students about healthy eating and how to grow food for themselves. Students run the gardens, participating in every step from choosing what to grow and preparing the soil, to harvesting, cooking, and eating the food. We currently have 46 classes (1,062 students), grades K-8 enrolled for 1 hour visits each month.
When Laurie Brekke and Hope Hanlon created the learning garden for Atlantic Highlands Elementary School, they assumed it would be embraced with open arms: a gift; an outdoor playground to be used as a hands-on teaching tool, incorporating everything from science to the arts. However, teachers have too much to accomplish and structure became king. Over time and growing classroom sizes, play became secondary and the teachers were unsure about how the garden could help them. But children knew, and while their teachers may have forgotten how to let go of structure and have fun, their students taught them the most valuable lesson of all..there is so much more to learn in a school garden than just gardening. Learn more about this project at

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