Diversified crops


Curiosity Quest explores how to farm almonds. Learn how almonds are grown, harvested and distributed to the public.


Agave tequilana, commonly called blue agave tequila agave, is an agave plant that is an important economic product of Jalisco, Mexico, due to its role as the base ingredient of tequila, a popular distilled beverage. The high production of sugars, mostly fructose, in the core of the plant is the main characteristic that makes it suitable for the preparation of alcoholic beverages.


Native to China, apricots have been cultivated for over 4,000 years, although today, the United States outranks China in production. At this time, the United States commercially grows about 90 percent of the world’s apricots, with most apricot storage and production centering in California.


Argan oil can cost as much as $300 per liter, making it the world’s most expensive edible oil. Just 20 years ago, however, the production of argan oil was isolated to villagers in Morocco, who sold it locally for as little at $3 per liter. But since then, the formation of women-run cooperatives has transformed the production into a billion-dollar industry. With the help of the cooperatives, the traditional skills held by the Amazigh women has created some financial independence in a male-dominated society However, the women normally make less than $220 a month — below Morocco’s recommended national minimum wage. So why has argan oil suddenly gained such popularity? And what makes it so expensive?

Artichokes (Globe)

The artichoke is a thistle plant in the genus Cynara, and the globe or French artichoke is the most common variety of this green vegetable. They’re mostly grown in California, France, Italy, and Spain, and it’s a popular vegetable in European cuisines, as well as the U.S. To a novice, a fresh artichoke can look a little intimidating, and the thorny vegetable takes some preparation to get to the meaty heart. While artichoke hearts are canned and frozen, they’re definitely different than the fresh version, which can be steamed, baked, boiled, or grilled.


Avocado plants are grown in tropical and semi-tropical humid areas. These plants cannot tolerate hot dry winds and frost. They thrive best in true tropical to warmer parts of the temperate area
Avocados have become a super trendy food, but few of us know how they’re even grown or harvested. We visit a California farm to uncover the amazing story of the avocado — and share the secrets to choosing, ripening and cutting the fruit.
Avocado farmer shows the journey a tree takes from seed to producing fruit. Discover how growers produce healthy trees with consistent yields. Learn why your tree doesn’t produce fruit. Use a simple trick to grow your tree larger. And if you like our t-shirt get yourself one here: https://www.guacfarm.com
From avocado toast to guacamole, this superfood has stolen the hearts of foodies and the health conscious around the world. But where do avocados come from?


Banana plants may grow with varying degrees of success in diverse climatic conditions, but commercial banana plantations are primarily found in equatorial regions, in banana exporting countries. The four leading banana export countries worldwide are Ecuador, Costa Rica, Philippines, and Colombia. Ecuador provides more than 33% of global banana exports.
There are thousands of types of bananas but Americans have eyes for only one kind — the very marketable yellow Cavendish, which accounts for 95% of global banana exports. But this multi-billion dollar industry is under threat. A fungus called Panama Disease is rapidly infecting the world’s Cavendish crops and could spell disaster for the monoculture-dependent worldwide banana trade.
VICE correspondent Isobel Yeung heads to the heart of banana country in Latin American and the Philippines to see the devastating effects of the disease and to investigate what the loss of the banana would really mean besides a less colorful lunchbox.


Blueberry cultivation . Did you know that the modern blueberry is a 20th-century invention? Before the 1900s, the only way to enjoy these North American natives was to find them in the wild. Then, scientists started to unlock the secrets of cultivating blueberries—and we’re glad they did! Here’s how to grow blueberries in your garden.

Cantaloupe melon

Cantaloupe (muskmelon, mushmelon, rockmelon, sweet melon) or spanspek (South Africa) is a variety of the Cucumis melo species in the Cucurbitaceae family.

Brazil nut


Cashew nut

Cashew farming is a long-term project. It is highly profitable provided you grow it properly with a right marketing plan. In addition to that, cashew plantation project demands an adequate amount of land for cultivation. So, if you have agricultural land and you want to go for a farming business, then cashew farming is just perfect for you. Basically, cashew is an export-oriented crop. You can grow cashew for nuts. It is highly delicious and nutritive. Therefore, it is popular as ‘wonder nut’. The scientific name of cashew is Anacardium occidentale L. And it belongs to the Anacardium family.


Cherry blossoms herald the onset of spring followed by the long, warm days of summer and their sweet, juicy fruit. Whether plucked straight from the tree or cooked into blue ribbon pie, cherries are synonymous with fun in the sun. How then do you know when to pick cherries?


Chili Cultivation in Japan – how this special pepper grows


Small, delicate cocoa trees were first cultivated by the Mayans and then the Aztecs. They grow around the equatorial belt. The fruit of the cocoa tree, the pod, contains up to 40 beans. Hernan Cortes was the first to bring cocoa beans to Spain in the early 16th century. Cocoa beans were turned into cocoa paste to produce an exceptional beverage and, from the 19th century, solid bars of chocolate.


Coconuts can be processed in a large variety of products: milk, cream, oil, powder, water, copra, dessicated flakes and more. Particularly, coconut water is becoming every day more popular as an healthy beverage and sport drink, since it contains potassium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 and C, while it’s low in calories and cholesterol free.
Credit : (CDB) Ministry of Agriculture , Apex Coco


Cranberries are not just any fruit – they are America’s Original Superfruit. As one of three commonly cultivated fruits native only to North America, cranberries are an important crop with roots deep in American history. Cranberries are grown across the United States in leading production states of Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington. They are a versatile, nutrient-dense fruit that can be easily incorporated into sweet and savory dishes.


Dates are the fruit of a desert palm tree. There are 220 kinds of dates, or which about 20 are commercially viable. A popular food in the Middle East, they and found in abundance in the desert and around oases. Many parts of the Middle East would be uninhabitable were it not for date palms. It is one of the few crops that grows in the desert. Date palms have been described as the “tree of life.”
Dates are an important traditional crop in Iraq, Iran, Arabia, and north Africa west to Morocco. Dates (especially Medjool and Deglet Noor) are also cultivated in America in southern California, Arizona and southern Florida in the United States and in Sonora and Baja California in Mexico.
Date palms can take 4 to 8 years after planting before they will bear fruit, and start producing viable yields for commercial harvest between 7 and 10 years.
Phoenix dactylifera, commonly known as date or date palm, is a flowering plant species in the palm family, Arecaceae, cultivated for its edible sweet fruit. Although its place of origin is unknown because of long cultivation, it probably originated from lands around Iraq. The species is widely cultivated and is naturalized in many tropical and subtropical regions worldwide
This 3 minute Video shows the full trip of how Palm dates trees are grown and harvested in ” Jordan River Dates” @Jordan River Dates Farm 1

Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is an exotic cactus that is found in Asia, Mexico, and parts of South America. It is not grown in North America, which is why the plant is not as common in this region. Dragon fruit can be planted as ornamental plants, but they do bare delicious fruit that is rather tasty. In fact, it is often used in jams, ice cream, fruit juice, and wine. Let’s start how to grow the plant.


Durians are the King of Fruits and can be grown in the right conditions…The durian tree is ultra-tropical, and needs much tropical warmth, abundant moisture, and sunshine to thrive . Most commercial durian cultivation in Southeast Asia


Figs in Japan are usually peeled and eaten raw, but they are also popular in their dried form or are processed into jams. Figs are in season during late summer and early fall. Figs made their way to Japan from the Mediterranean in the early 1600s via China, when the fruit was also known as “foreigner’s kaki”. The vast majority of figs in Japan are of the Masui Dauphine variety, which is a relatively large type of fig and is named after Mr. Masui who cultivated the fruit in the early 1900s.

Garlic (Japan)

Garlic crop cultivation is one of the most important bulb crop cultivations. It is mainly used as a spice. Garlic is considered as a rich source of carbohydrate, protein, phosphorus. Vapour oil is found in garlic. Garlic helps in indigestion. This reduces cholesterol in human blood.


Japan is a country famous for the most expensive fruits in the world. That is because for the Japanese, they regard fruit as the gems of agriculture, cherishing them as respecting the peasants’ efforts. Especially the grapes.
Raisins are made primarily by sun drying several different types of grapes. They are small and sweetly flavored with a wrinkled texture. The technique for making raisins has been known since ancient times and evidence of their production has been found in the writings of ancient Egyptians. Currently, over 500 million lb (227 million kg) of raisins are sold each year in the United States, and that number is expected to increase because raisins are recognized as a healthy snack.
Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from grapes fermented without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes, water, or other nutrients.


Guava is a common tropical fruit cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions.Guava contains maximum vitamin C content per l00g. of pulp after amla. It contains antioxidant factors and can control systolic blood pressure. It is good source of roughage and help in removal of constipation.


The hazelnut tree is amazing. While other plants are “sleeping” during the winter months, the hazelnut is busy pollinating. Wind and rain spreads the pollen to tiny red flowers. Then, the trees take a short break before spring growth begins. In late spring, the nuts begin to form. By mid summer, clusters of green nuts can be seen throughout the orchards. Credit : Nutella and factory in turkey


Hops farm and harvesting. Hops are the flowers used primarily as a bittering, flavouring, and stability agent in beer, to which, in addition to bitterness, they impart floral, fruity, or citrus flavours and aromas


New Zealand Kiwi fruit harvest


A lime is a citrus fruit, which is typically round, green in color, , and contains acidic juice vesicles.here are several species of citrus trees whose fruits are called limes, including the Key lime, Persian lime, kaffir lime, and desert lime.

Macademia nut

Macadamia nuts are the most expensive nuts in the world. A one pound bag can cost around $25, almost twice as much as other nuts like almonds, and they’ve been breaking price records year after year.
Considered a high-quality dessert nut because of its rich, buttery flavor, macadamia nuts are a popular treat and a trendy import in countries like China and the United States. The main reason is the slow harvesting process. While there are ten species of macadamia trees, only 2 produce the pricey nuts and it takes seven to 10 years for the trees to even begin producing nuts.


Mangos are an economically important crop in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Improvements in mango harvesting, handling and shipping has brought it worldwide popularity. If you are lucky enough to have a mango tree, you may have wondered “how do I harvest my mangos?” Keep watching to find out how to harvest mango fruit.
Miyazaki Mangoes have a red and vibrant skin with yellow spots speckled over the fruit. The flesh is orange in colour and tender filled with strong mango aroma. The farmers in Miyazaki will place a net under each mango. While the mangoes are naturally ripped, they will fall into the net.


Plant mulberry trees in spring in full to part sun location on well drained, compost amended soil. They’re forgiving of poor soil conditions. Space large trees at least 30 feet apart and smaller trees 10 to 15 feet. Mulberries are easy to grow.

Palmyra fruit

Toddy – the chief product of the palmyra is the sweet sap (toddy) obtained by tapping the tip of the inflorescence, as is done with the other sugar palms and, to a lesser extent, with the coconut. The sap flows for 5-6 mo – 200 days in Ceylon – each male spadix producing 4-5 l per day; the female gives 50% more than the male. The toddy ferments naturally within a few hours after sunrise and is locally popular as a beverage; it is distilled to produce the alcoholic liquor called palm wine, arrack, or arak. Rubbing the inside of the toddy-collecting receptacle with lime paste prevents fermentation, and thereafter the sap is referred to as sweet toddy, which yields concentrated or crude sugar (gur in India; jaggery in Ceylon); molasses, palm candy, and vinegar. Palmyra palm jaggery (gur) is much more nutritious than crude cane sugar, containing 1.04% protein, 0.19% fat, 76.86% sucrose, 1.66% glucose, 3.15% total minerals, 0.861 % calcium, 0.052% phosphorus; also 11.01 mg iron per 100 g and 0.767 mg of copper per 100 g. The fresh sap is reportedly a good source of vitamin B complex.
Today we are preparing very healthy and traditional food Palmyra tuber. this food infect the Corona Virus because of it’s immunity.We have additionally added blackberries and dried ginger to the traditional fertilizer. #Palmyra tuber#corona virus#KGF cooking channel


Papaya is a popular fruit famous for its high nutritive and medicinal values. It comes early in bearing than any other fruit crop, produces fruits in less than a year

Passion fruit

Passion fruit is a nutritious tropical fruit. It’s gaining popularity, especially among those who are health conscious. Despite its small size, it’s a rich source of antioxidants and contains a range of vitamins and plant compounds that could benefit your health.


Peanut butter is a food paste or spread made from ground, dry-roasted peanuts. It often contains additional ingredients that modify the taste or texture, such as salt, sweeteners, or emulsifiers. Peanut butter is popular in many countries. The United States is a leading exporter of peanut butter and itself consumes $800 million of peanut butter annually. And India is next
How are peanuts harvested? Loosen the soil around the plants with a spade or garden fork before harvesting peanuts. Pull up the plants and shake the excess soil from the roots, leaving the pods attached. Peanuts need to dry for three or four weeks before you prepare and store them. Hang the plants in a warm, dry location and protect them from direct sunlight. After two weeks, brush off any remaining soil and remove the pods from the roots. Lay them out in a single layer on a flat surface and allow them to dry for another week or two. High humidity during the drying period encourages mold.


Pears are an important fruit crop of temperate region. It belongs to the family Rosaceae. The fruit is rich a source of protein and vitamins. Due to its wider adaptability of climate and soil pear can be grown in subtropical to temperate regions. In India, pear is cultivated in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and U.P and low chilling varieties do well in subtropical regions.


Pecan pie, trail mix, cookies, desserts of all types. The pecan is a delightfully rich, buttery little treat that finds its way into hundreds of different foods that we eagerly eat up. But the life cycle of a pecan begins far before it ends up in that pie topping. The life of a pecan follows a winding trail from pollination to harvest, harvest to wholesale pecans in fancy halves, large, extra large pieces or other varieties.


Each autumn, as leaves fall to the ground, persimmon trees emerge from the graying landscape, their orange and red fruits gleaming like gaudy Christmas ornaments. Beloved in eastern Asia — especially Japan — persimmons get little respect in the United States, where many tree owners don’t bother harvesting their crop.
Dried fruit doesn’t sound like anything special, but the magic of Japanese hoshigaki is in the method. While Americans tend to eat Hachiya persimmons fresh, Laureance Hauben of Penryn Orchard in California says, Japanese persimmon lovers reserve the best for drying. The result?


Pistachio trees have grown in the Middle East for thousands of years. Pistachios have always been a desired delicacy in this region. Pistachios are mentioned in the Old Testament
The journey of pistachio nuts from being harvested in Iran to packaged salt roasted nuts.


Pomegranate arils get their vibrant red hue from polyphenols. These chemicals are powerful antioxidants.


Many families in Kisumu, Kenya survive by making rope out of sisal—a fierce-looking plant with sharp, sword-like leaves. The rope can be used to make bags, floor mats and other craft items. Yet because processing sisal is difficult and time consuming, there is more demand for rope than farmers can currently fill. Enter Alex Odundo. He collected scrap metal from bicycle sprockets, motorcycle chains and other sources to build machines that could efficiently process the plant into fiber and then rope. It took him nine prototypes, but Odundo’s machines—the Sisal Dicorticator and the Sisal Twinner— have proven a godsend for his community. With around 100 models sold, these machines are helping farmers support themselves amid the uncertainty of climate change. This Great Big Story was made in partnership with Dangote (www.dangote.com).


Sorghum is one of the main coarse cereal crops of India. India is second largest producer of sorghum in the world. This crop is ideally suited for semi-arid agroclimatic regions of the country. Mostly cultivated in the semi-arid regions for fodder to feed the large cattle population of the country.


Soursop tree of the custard apple family, grown for its large edible fruits. Native to the American tropics, the tree has been widely introduced in the Old World tropics. The fruit’s fibrous white flesh, which combines the flavours of mango and pineapple, can be eaten fresh and is strained to make custards, ice creams, and drinks. Soursop has been promoted as an alternative cancer treatment, but clinical studies in humans are lacking

Star fruit

Carambola, or star fruit, a species of tree native to tropical Southeast Asia.The fruit is commonly consumed throughout Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, Micronesia, and parts of East Asia. The tree is cultivated throughout tropical areas.The entire fruit is edible, usually raw, and may be cooked or made into relishes, preserves, garnish, and juice
If you have ever considered growing carambola, better known as starfruit (Averrhoa carambola), this latest video provides some quick advice on which varieties taste the best! Come along for a virtual tour of Pete’s subtropical food forest in zone 9b (just north of Tampa, FL) on September 1st, to share all the ripe fruit coming into full abundance for the 2nd flush of fruit this year! Not to mention, the trees froze back during a heavy frost 2 years ago, so production has just now started to speed up again.

Sugar cane

Sugarcane or sugar cane refer to several species and hybrids of tall perennial grasses, that are used for sugar production. The plants are two to six metres tall with stout, jointed, fibrous stalks that are rich in sucrose, which accumulates in the stalk internodes.


Tamarind is a type of tropical fruit. It’s used in many dishes around the world, and may even have medicinal properties. It’s native to Africa but also grows in India, Pakistan and many other tropical regions.The tree produces bean-like pods filled with seeds surrounded by a fibrous pulp.The pulp of the young fruit is green and sour. As it ripens, the juicy pulp becomes paste-like and more sweet-sour. Interestingly, tamarind is sometimes referred to as the “date of India.”


Luxury cousins to the mushroom, truffles are an indulgent food enjoyed across the world. But these fragrant fungi will cost you.
For more, visit: https://www.englishtruffles.co.uk/


Turmeric farming and Processing Turmeric has been used in India for more than 5000 years now. Initially, it was cultivated as a dye as its’ vivid yellow color works brilliantly as a coloring agent. Then its highly developed uses came to know and people started using it for cosmetic and beautification purposes and eventually as a medicine. Later it became popular as a spice


In India, vanilla cultivation is gaining in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamilnadu since early 1990s. The area under cultivation at present is about 1000 ha, of which about 30% has started giving yield. The present production of processed vanilla is estimated to be around 6-8 tonnes annually in India. While pristine rainforest fragments are making way for commercial cultivation of Vanilla in other parts of the world, the Indian Vanilla Initiative under the leadership and vision of Dr. Mahendran, is encouraging farmers in their supply chain in India to improve the tree cover and avoid usage of harmful pesticides to cultivate Vanilla in its most natural form. This is the story of Vanilla in India that is on the rise to become the Vine of all good things!
From ice cream to cakes and even perfume, vanilla is the go-to flavour the world over. In recent years the price of natural vanilla has shot up. At one point it was more expensive than silver by weight. 80% of the world’s vanilla is grown in the perfectly suited climate of the north-east region of Madagascar. It’s the country’s primary export crop. For the farmers, like Beni Odon, life is far sweeter when the vanilla price is high.
In 2014 vanilla was $80 a kilo. Three years later it was $600. Today it’s around $500. The price rise is due in part to global demand. The trend of eating naturally means that food companies have shunned synthetic flavouring in favour of the real deal. Beni and the other farmers are cashing in.
But things can change very quickly. Price fluctuations affect producers of agricultural commodities everywhere but vanilla is particularly volatile. In just a few weeks the price can jump, or plummet, by over 20%
Liberalisation is one reason for such movements. The Malagasy government once regulated the vanilla industry and its price. But now the price is negotiated at the point of sale which makes for a freer market but a more volatile one. It’s also a tiny industry. A single cyclone can knock out the entire crop within Madagascar. It’s also a difficult and delicate crop to grow. The growers have to contend with another problem. Thieves are targeting the vanilla crops. Some farmers have resorted to harvesting the beans before they’re ripe but this produces a poorer quality vanilla and ultimately pushes down the price.
The combination of deteriorating quality and high prices is having an effect. The vanilla price bubble may burst. Big buyers that provide vanilla for the likes of Häagen-Dazs and Ben & Jerry’s are now working directly with farmers in a bid to gain greater control over quality. Other companies have started to look elsewhere for their natural vanilla. Indonesia, Uganda and even the Netherlands are growing the crop. For a century Madagascar has enjoyed a near-monopoly on vanilla. But this industry may be in line for a radical overhaul.
Instructions on how to plant and grow vanilla (Costa Rica).
This video was created for the Vanilla Export Company who donated thousands of vanilla plants to farmers in Haiti. It was meant to educate farmers and help them get started with their plants along with on-site training.
The video was produced translated to Spanish and Hatian Creole.
The vanilla bean has very specific sun and shade requirements that benefit the environment – especially in places like Haiti, where the forest has been decimated. Cultivation of vanilla requires tutor trees for the vines to grow so it can be grown along with other crops like cacao.
1.02.2019 Vanilla hustlers in dusty streets. Vanilla brokers in vanilla-built palaces. Vanilla crops threatening rare lemurs’ jungle homes. On a wild ride through Madagascar, Adam Harvey finds there’s nothing plain about vanilla.
19.08.2018 The robberies are often violent. There have been dozens of murders in Madagascar linked to vanilla. Several communities have tried and failed to get protection from armed police. Some have taken the law into their own hands. Villagers say in a nearby village, a machete-wielding crowd descended on five suspected gangsters – hacking and stabbing them to death. The killings have yet to be solved by the police. Locals say there is no will or capacity in the police forces to investigate the vanilla thefts – or the mob justice that sometimes follows.


Walnuts are a nutritious snack food sold as whole nuts for cracking or as kernels. Kernels are also used whole or chopped as an ingredient in savoury foods, bakery goods, breakfast foods, soups, salads, meat dishes, confectionery and ice-creams.


Processing & Packaging Machinery & Equipment Explained about Watermelon, melon.

Yam (Chinese, as grown in Japan)

Japanese yam , also called cinnamon-vine, is a species of flowering plant in the yam family. This perennial climbing vine native to China now grows throughout East Asia (Japan, Korea, Kuril Islands, Vietnam). It is believed to have been introduced to Japan in the 17th century or earlier. The edible tubers, often called nagaimo or Chinese-potato, are cultivated largely in Asia and sometimes used in alternative medicine. This species of yam is unique as the tubers can be eaten raw.
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