Seed saving

We are very happy to release this video in cooperation with Dr. Vandana Shiva and the Navdanya Organization. Seed saving is one of the important skills that has been lost of the last century, and Dr. Shiva’s work to preserve heirloom seed varieties, encourage organic farming, and create food sovereignty is some of the most important work of our time. We hope you enjoy this video and will start saving seeds at home yourself. This video was produced by members of The Growing Club. The Growing Club is a non-profit community group dedicated to helping people grow food at home and develop urban farms. Support our work and become part of the club at

10 Things to Know If You Want to Start Saving Seeds

Source: Modern Farmer

Want to save your own seeds this season but don’t know where to start? This is the guide for you.

Legumes are by far the easiest seeds to save, and among the easiest to germinate.Photography Charlotte Lake on Shutterstock. 967SHARES

Beans. That’s right. If you want to start saving seeds, we recommend beans. Or peas. Why? Legumes are by far the easiest seeds to save, and among the easiest to germinate. You can’t go wrong. With that, let’s learn more about the basics of seed saving.

Growing a Plant to Save Its Seed Is Different Than Growing It to Eat

And usually, you’re not getting both. In order for a plant like lettuce to produce seed, you must wait for it to send up its gangly flower stalks, which eventually produce tiny seed pods. By this time. the lettuce leaves are becoming yellow, shriveled, and bitter. It’s the same with most crops – you don’t get to eat it and save the seed; it’s either one or the other. The good news is that a single plant produces many seeds. So you usually need to grow only a few extra for seed-saving purposes.

Don’t Bother Saving Seeds of Hybrid Varieties

Seeds denoted on the package as “F1” are hybrids, meaning two varieties have been bred with one another (cross-pollinated, that is) to produce a third variety with a combination of traits from each “parent.” If you were to save seed from this hybrid offspring and plant it, each seed would grow into a plant with a random combination of the traits found in the gene pool of the original parents, which rarely produces something you’d want to eat. The only way to reproduce the hybrid “true-to-type,” as plant breeders say, is to cross the two original parents. That’s a big part of why most seed savers stick with old-fashioned heirloom varieties, which by definition are not hybrids.

Save Seeds from the Best Plants

To save seed is to participate in the process of natural selection. If you save seed only from the biggest tomato of the bunch and replant them year after year, you’ll eventually end up with seeds that produce plants on which all the tomatoes are bigger. The same holds true for almost any other trait. Want tomatoes that ripen earlier? Save seed from the first fruits to ripen each year. Want disease resistant plants? Then definitely don’t save seed from those that are disease-infested. This is essentially what professional plant breeders do. You don’t need to get too scientific about it, but as a rule of thumb, only save seed from your healthiest, most robust, tastiest plants.

Seed Saving Can Be Tedious

Bean seeds are big and easy to remove from their pods. But this is the exception rather than the rule. Carrot seeds, for example, are no bigger than a baby flea and easily disappear into the nearest crack or cranny as you try to knock them loose from their seed heads. Plants hold their seeds in an array of husks, pods, capsules, and other coverings, which are often not easily removed. This process varies depending on the species in question, but typically involves threshing (separating the seed from the plant) and winnowing (separating the seed from its hull). If you’re collecting only a very small quantity of seed, you’ll probably perform these tedious tasks by hand, but specialized tools are available for processing larger quantities.

Seed Saving Can Be Stinky

Seed that develops in a wet, fleshy fruit (tomatoes, melons, and cucumbers, for example), as opposed to a dry seedhead or pod (the case with most greens, herbs and legumes), often requires extra steps to extract. Such seed is typically encased in a gooey substance, from which it is not easily removed. The best way to remove the goo, as it turns out, is to put it in a jar or bucket with a bit of water and let the concoction rot for a bit. The fermentation process dissolves the goo and improves the germination rate of the seed. You then strain the seeds from the stinky liquid and dry them.

Seeds of Some Crops Are Easier to Save Than Others

Seeds are the products of pollination, the botanical version of sex. Some crops are self-pollinators, which means individual plants are fertilized by their own pollen. These crops, including beans, peas, tomatoes, peppers, and cauliflower, are among the easiest to save because you don’t need special botanical knowledge to ensure that the seeds grow out true-to-type.

Plant Sex Makes Things Complicated

It’s with cross-pollinating crops – those that need pollen from a neighboring plant in order to set seed – where things get complicated. This group includes cucumbers, corn, squash, pumpkins, and melons. If you have more than one variety of the same cross-pollinating vegetable (a butternut squash and acorn squash, let’s say) growing in close proximity, pollen from one will inevitably end up in the flowers of the other, resulting in seeds that are a mutant hybrid of both varieties. Seed savers employ various strategies to prevent this, ranging from growing different varieties on opposite ends of their property (pollen only travels so far on the wind or via insects) to placing plastic bags over some flowers to exclude unwanted pollen (you must then use a paintbrush to pollinate them with pollen from the same variety). Another option? Simply grow only one variety at a time of these particular crops.

Seeds Aren’t Viable Until Fully Ripe

Just like picking the perfect tomato, you have to wait until seed is fully ripe before you harvest it – if picked from the plant too soon, the seed will not germinate. As explained above, optimal seed maturity is usually later than optimal crop maturity. Bean and pea seeds are not ready until the pod is brown, dry, and beginning to split open. This is true of any seed that grows in a pod, which includes most greens. Corn seed should be allowed to dry on the cob in the field. Some vegetables, including cucumbers and eggplant, should not be picked for seed until they are overripe and beginning to shrivel up and rot.

Well-Dried Seed Is Viable Seed

In order to preserve seed for future plantings, it must be thoroughly dry. Drying out is essentially the final stage of ripening, and ensures that the seed does not become moldy while you’re waiting to plant it next year. Wet seed, once it has been extracted from its fermented goo, must be spread out to dry on screens in a warm location, ideally with a light breeze from a fan to hasten the process. Most other types of seed my be dried while still on the plant, but if the weather turns wet and cool before that can occur, you’ll need to bring them indoors to finish the process. To determine if seed is sufficiently dry, push a fingernail into it – if it gives, it’s not yet ready.

Proper Storage Is Important

Dried seed should be placed in paper envelopes or seed packets labeled with the name of the variety and the date it was harvested. To ensure longevity, keep the seed packets in mason jars in a cool dark place. Any seed stored this way should remain viable for at least a few years, though some crops may keep for a decade or more.



Seed saving is NOT hard, and if you haven’t done it yet, NOW is the time to start! I get asked all the time to share what I know about saving seeds, so here it is! Today I’m unpacking all I’ve got to teach on the subject of seed saving. I know this is a long video, but I really wanted to provide a comprehensive guide that will answer your questions and equip you to start saving your garden seeds! Products mentioned in this video (these are affiliate links, if you purchase from these links, it helps support our farm at no additional cost to you! So thank you!)
See me saving seeds of lettuce, tomatoes, peas and beans. I explain the principles, timings and techniques, it’s not difficult but you need to know which vegetables self-pollinate or cross-pollinate, how much growing time and space is needed, and how to harvest. More information in No Dig Organic Home & Garden Chapter 11. Filmed and edited by Edward Dowding at Homeacres in summer 2017. More about my garden at
We’ve been seed saving our family strain of beans (two types) for over 100 years and 5+ generations. I’m sharing my tips for successful seed saving, including self-pollinating, cross-pollinating, and what that means to your seed saving, plus, how to know when the seeds are ready to go into storage or need to dry longer. Learn more about my full seed saving course inside the Pioneering Today Academy
Knowing how to collect carrot seeds is a little more involved than typical seed saving. Carrots are biennial plants and don’t flower until their second year. By planning ahead and leaving a few carrots in the ground over winter, you can reward yourself with thousands of carrot seeds.
Today’s video is all about how to get started saving your seeds from your vegetable garden. Knowing how to save seed is a wonderful skill that can save you money and keep your favourite varieties going. In this video, you will learn everything you need to know on how to start your seed saving journey, such as the key terms you need to know, and the easiest crops to save seed from. This is the first video of a few ones I will be doing over the next few years looking at seed saving in more detail.
Saving seeds from your garden is a great way of saving money and preserving heirloom varieties.


Websites and articles

North America:

Sunlight filters through verdant gardens at Heritage Farm, headquarters for Seed Savers Exchange. The thousands of heirloom varieties in the Seed Saver’s collection have been passed down through generations of farmers and gardeners and are valued for their genetic diversity and adaptability to pressures such as climate change. Seed Saver’s mission is to preserve and share this agricultural heritage with its membership and the public all over the world.

RFK, Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything’ [8.02.2021]


Reasons for seed saving

Until a hundred or so years ago, farmers saved their seeds to plant for the next season. Thousands of varieties evolved across the globe, constantly adapting to their environment and to the preferences of the culture and cuisine.Just 50 years ago, some 1,000 small and family-owned seed companies were producing and distributing seeds in the United States; by 2009, there were fewer than 100.Thanks to a series of mergers and acquisitions over the last few years, four multinational agrochemical firms — Corteva, ChemChina, Bayer and BASF — now control over 60 percent of global seed sales.The slow march of seed consolidation suddenly turned into a sprint. Chemical and pharmaceutical companies with no historical interest in seed bought small regional and family-owned seed companies. Targeting cash crops like corn and soy, these companies saw seeds as part of a profitable package: They made herbicides and pesticides, and then engineered the seeds to produce crops that could survive that drench of chemicals. The same seed companies that now control more than 60 percent of seed sales also sell more than 60 percent of the pesticides.

GMO byproducts degrade and deplete soils of vital minerals and beneficial bacteria, both of which protect crops from pests, viruses, and other threatening elements. Glyphosate which is used in conjunction with GMO seeds does not biodegrade, which means it is continually accumulating in the environment without restraint, perpetually altering soil composition and contaminating natural resources. If what we put into the soil is toxic, what we get out is toxic.Regenerative organic growing reduces the use of harmful chemicals, improves the soil’s ability to sequester carbon and retain water, and strengthens biodiversity.These efforts need more than our support; they demand our participation, the same engagement with seeds that humans had for thousands of years. Seeds not as commodities but as a vital part of our cultural commons; seeds not as software, but as living systems: seeds as the source of a new food revolution. What can you do? Check out the links below, share this seed story, support companies saving our seeds (links to companies provided in the farmer’s footprint article below) and take action to grow heirloom varieties in your own gardens (saving and sharing the resulting seed) to protect and preserve the biodiversity that took countless generations to create.…

I passionately believe in Vandana Shiva’s work in protecting the integrity of our biosphere. I feel her work that relates to protecting heirloom seeds is extremely important. Her work is especially relevant now given the recent moves of people like Gates to buy up all the farm land, seed companies and push transgenic agriculture on a massive scale (see link at the bottom of this post for more on that). To honor the important work of Vandana Shiva and the Navdanya foundation please sign the Seed Satyagraha pledge ❤

For information on a recent development related to the accelerated consolidation of our food and seed supply by an oligarch we have seen a lot of in the news recently see:…/bill-gates-neo…/… “Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill: Bill Gates has quietly made himself the largest owner of farmland in the United States. For a man obsessed with monopoly control, the opportunity to also dominate food production must seem irresistible.”

It is for times such as these that Gandhi used Satyagraha – the force of truth to resist unjust laws and empires peacefully and non violently. In nature one of her most innate truths and constants is her irrepressible capacity for regeneration. We can align with this innate facet of the living planet that sustains us and become irrepressible as well. We will eat organic (and strive to eat regenerative organic) in our kitchens, our cafeterias, our schools and offices. We will strive to move our local food systems beyond ‘organic’ to become regenerative and we will give back to the living soils. We will remember the importance of the sacred act of saving seed and teach the next generation to do the same. It is in the spirit of facilitating and empowering many to be able to engage is a decentralized movement to accomplish the above stated goals that I am in the process of publishing a book that provides practical knowledge, techniques and ideas which can assist with this. You can learn more about my upcoming book and pre-order a copy here:

May be an image of 1 person, map and text that says "Seed Industry Structure 1996 2018 Bayer AgEvo BASF Limagrain/ Chem- Corteva global seed market share Phil University Seed Companies Chemical Companies Othe Companies Owners Partial Ownership"
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