ClimateParnter and the Forest Restoration Agency working together
14 December 2020
ClimatePartner and the Forest Restoration Agency (FRA) have agreed a partnership for planting several million mangrove trees in the Tudor Creek area, Mombasa County, Kenya. By the end of 2020 alone, more than 25,000 seedlings will have already gone into the ground.
The FRA is a global network of environmentally conscious individuals and was founded in June 2018 in Mombasa, Kenya by Mbaarak Abdalla. Its aim is to help the world’s population combat the effects of climate change, poverty, food insecurity and human-wildlife conflict. One important aspect of this is the restoration of mangrove forests along the Kenyan coast, as large-scale deforestation over the past decades has severely damaged the mangrove ecosystem in Kenya.
We are pleased to be able to support the work of the FRA and offer our customers the opportunity to participate in the mangrove planting project. Please feel free to contact us at offset@climatepartner.com.

“We’re so excited in collaborating with ClimatePartner to restore the degraded mangrove forests in Kenya. In This year 2021 onwards, we’re going to work with ClimatePartner along Kenyan coast to plant 450million mangroves under Forest Restoration Agency (FRA) as part of our nationwide program of planting 1billion trees by 2030 in Kenya. 450million mangroves along Kenyan coast, 550million terrestrial trees and fruit trees.In December 2020 alone, we managed to plant 25,000 mangrove seedlings along Tudor Creek under the support from ClimatePartner“, says Mbaarak Abdalla
Forest Restoration Agency (FRA)
The Forest Restoration Agency, FRA is a global network of environmentally conscious individuals, founded in June 2018, in Mombasa Kenya. FRA was founded with the ultimate aim of helping the global population bring to an end the undesirable impacts of climate change, poverty, food insecurity, the global energy crisis and the imminent human wildlife conflict crisis.
In the short term, FRA is looking forward to planting 3.5 billion trees across the globe before growing into a fully fledged international organization by 2030 and this is a journey we are proud to invite you to board with us!
What is FRA?
FRA is the acronym of the Forest Restoration Agency, a global network of selfless and committed conservation enthusiasts who are out to making significant impact in the fields of conservation, ecosystem restoration, wildlife conservation and poverty alleviation, interventions we greatly believe will result into significant climate change mitigation across the world.

Back ground of FRA
FRA was born as an idea by the founder and program director of Brain Youth Group, Mr. Mbaarak Abdalla in June 2018 in Mombasa Kenya. Through his tremendous work on mangrove ecosystem restoration and sustainable development through mariculture, Mr. Mbaarak thought of one big idea that would equally help him out do his abilities not only for Mombasa but the world at large, giving birth to the FRA idea which has constantly received immense approval across the world with key conservation actors and agencies world over offering to support full operationalization.
FRA is developing and adopting its first and globally representative strategic plan that will provide direction and guide the steps of the work of FRA, for all the teams that are already on board and those that are on their way towards joining this amazing global network.
A year into this process, we are confident that FRA will continue amassing support, approval and trust towards helping the communities the world over embrace the work of conservation while at the same time helping individuals, households, communities and governments overcome the perennial challenges associated with skewed natural resource management.

The FRA vision:
To realize an environmentally conscious global community that will sustainably utilize its natural resource base while improving the quality of life forl ocal communities.
The FRA mission:
To promote eco friendly and participatory approaches to natural resource conservation through direct engagement of local communities and actors in conservation for effective resource management.