During heatwaves, install a D-I-Y bee watering station


Source: https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/bee-watering-station/#:~:text=All%20you%20need%20to%20do,insects%20don’t%20lay%20eggs

You Can Make a Bee Watering Station with a Bowl of Stones, Pebbles or Marbles

“Busy bee” is a term often used to describe our friends and family who have a packed schedule. You probably could have guessed that the phrase comes from the active lifestyle of the bee, but you may not know that the yellow-and-black pollinators tend to about 2,000 flowers daily. That’s hard work!

Even if your yard lacks a pretty pollinator garden, you can still make it a friendly and accessible pit stop for the bees hard at work.

Like humans, bees need water on hot summer days to drink and cool off. Unfortunately, when they make a stop at birdbaths or forest streams, they risk drowning or encountering larger animals looking for a snack.

The solution is simple, though! All you need to do is grab a pan or shallow bowl, and add a good amount of stones, pebbles or marbles before filling with water. The rocks and knick-knacks will give bees a nice landing spot and help avoid drowning. It’s best to change the water every week or so to make sure other insects don’t lay eggs.

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