Water scarcity clock:
A global overview of the water crisis affecting many countries and how they are finding ways to tackle their water shortages.
Farm Africa – Ethiopia: Forest management expansion
‘If the climate stays like this, we won’t make it’ say those on the frontline of Africa’s drought [15.12.2019]
Inside Australia’s climate emergency: the killer heat [02.2020]
Inside Australia’s climate emergency: the taps run dry [02.2020]
‘If We Stayed Outside We Would Have Died’: Australia’s Fires Devour Farms and Forests [18.01.2020]
Australia’s water crisis, intelligence and national security [08.01.2020]
Australia bushfires: Sydney gets toughest water restrictions in a decade [10.12.2019]
As Water Runs Low, Can Life in the Outback Go On? [08.12.2019]
Government has no solution to Australia’s water crisis [16.10.2019]
The Aussie towns that will soon run out of water [16.09.2019]
Failing Rains and Thirsty Cities: Australia’s Growing Water Problem [20.08.2019]
Proud Country: A portrait of Australia’s worst drought in 50 years | Four Corners [01.10.2018]
Four Corners follows the plight of a town and its people, as they try to hold onto their livelihoods and find some joy amid the worst drought in more than 50 years.
How Cattle Farmers Survive World’s Worst Drought [15.09.2015]
Eighty percent of Queensland is affected by water shortages, putting particular stress on Australia’s cattle industry. To save their cattle ranchers are culling herds, using trees for fodder, and digging deep wells for water.
75% drought declared – Western Qld graziers say droughts are getting worse [08.05.2015]
Drought takes toll on Australian farmers [16.03.2014]
The eastern Australian states of Queensland and New South Wales are in the grip of the most severe drought ever recorded. Some farmers in Australia are having to shoot their cattle because they cannot afford to feed them. The financial strain caused by the drought is starting to take a toll on farmers’ mental health.
Extreme Drought in Australia [20.12.2008]
A family of farmers in Australia are victims of one of the world’s longest and most destructive drought in the modern world. See the impact of global warming at its most extreme
Is The Nile Running Dry? [24.08.2016]
The End of the Nile (2012): As Egypt struggles with the growing population, the demand for its water increases as well. The situation proves to be difficult as Egypt refuses to agree on equal share of Nile river water with bordering states. Will this escalate to a military conflict?
When the Nile Dries Up it Might Take Africa’s Economy Along With It [29.06.2016]
Death of the Nile (2009): Is global warming about to claim its biggest victim yet?
Changing Power, Changing Tides: Conflicts over Water in the Nile Basin [22.01.2016]
The Nile basin features significant conflict over access and rights to the Nile water resources among its eleven riparian countries. The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), founded by 9 out of 10 riparian countries in 1999 with backing from major donor institutions, has achieved some successes in its attempts to strengthen cooperation. Yet, since 2007, diverging interests between upstream and downstream countries have brought the negotiations on a Comprehensive Framework Agreement (CFA) to a standstill, pitting Egypt (and to a lesser extent Sudan) against upstream riparians, especially Ethiopia. In 2015, trilateral negotiations between these three countries on a major dam under construction in Ethiopia led to a framework agreement that may in time prepare the ground for a broader agreement.
Egypt and Ethiopia Said to Be Close to Accord on Renaissance Dam [16.01.2020]
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: A never-ending saga [15.01.2020]
From corruption and mismanagement to a looming diplomatic crisis: Construction on Ethiopia’s mammoth dam has been far from smooth sailing.
Increase of Extreme Drought over Ethiopia under Climate Warming [2019]
Drought in East Africa: “If the rains do not come, none of us will survive”
Long-Term Drought Trends in Ethiopia with Implications for Dryland Agriculture [6.12.2019]
Dawd Temam, Venkatesh Uddameri, Ghazal Mohammadi, E. Annette Hernandez 2 and Stephen Ekwaro-Osire
Locusts swarm through drought-stricken Ethiopia’s crops [4.11.2019]
Communities in Ethiopia’s Somali Region face chronic drought linked to climate change [23.09.2019]
“Like a drop of water on a fire”: Inadequate investment in durable solutions for drought IDPS in Ethiopia [12.09.2019]
Farm Africa – How lasting will Ethiopia’s Green Legacy be? [9.08.2019]
Drought crisis in the Horn of Africa [23.05.2017]
Ethiopia is facing a killer drought. But it’s going almost unnoticed. [01.05.2017]
Rainwater harvesting: An option for dry land agriculture in arid and semi-arid Ethiopia [28.02.2015]
Improving drought management systems in the Horn of Africa [03.2012]
Living in hope and fear beside India’s retreating Himalayan glaciers [15.11.2019]
India’s ghost villages: Food and water scarcity forcing many to leave [06.08.2019]
Multiple hurdles in rainwater harvesting India Inc. [10.07.2019]
Rain Water Harvesting in India: Need, Methods and other Details!
http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/water/rain-water-harvesting- [28.06.208in-india-need-methods-and-other-details/20917
Climate crisis in India: heatwave causes water scarcity (22.06.2019)
Inside India’s water crisis: Struggling with drought and dry taps [27.07.2019]
This year, large parts of India have seen the worst drought in decades. The effects of the drought are seen most clearly in rural India. About 300,000 Indian farmers have killed themselves in the past 25 years, and many more have deserted their crops to move to cities in search of work, leaving behind the elderly. In the state of Maharashtra is one of the worst-affected regions. Villagers there sometimes wait for days before government tankers carrying water trucks, where they desperately need them. But the trucks only provide about 20 litres per person a day, which people ration for everything including drinking, cooking, bathing and house work.
India Water Crisis: 21 cities to exhaust groundwater supply by 2020 [28.06.2018]
India is grappling with the worst water crisis in its history. According to government estimates, twenty-one Indian cities will exhaust their ground water supply by 2020. Scientists say global warming has affected India’s monsoon patterns, making rainfall distribution unequal and erratic. And the run-off caused by increasing desertification means the rains don’t do much to raise ground water levels. And as Neha Poonia reports, things are only going to get worse in the next two years.
Special section on the Ganga
National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG): https://nmcg.nic.in/
Will The National Mission For Clean Ganga Achieve Its Goals By 2020? [5.11.2019]
I Took A Journey Down Ganga’s ‘Tributaries’, And What I Saw Was Horrifying [17.09.2019]
National Mission For Clean Ganga: Two New Sewer Treatment Plants, Ghats To Keep Ganga Water Unpolluted In Haridwar [03.07.2019]
Ganga Mission clears ₹1,388-cr projects on Yamuna – Business Line [18.02.2019]
Namami Gange: 5 reasons why Ganga will not be clean by 2020 [15.10.2018]
Is there hope from National Mission for Clean Ganga? Listen to official agencies – SANDRP [15.09.2018]
CAG slams govt for failing to utilize funds for Ganga rejuvenation [20.12.2017]
The World’s Dirtiest River | Unreported World [15.11.2017]
The World’s Dirtiest River: Today we take you to the world’s most polluted river. 35 million people rely on the Citarum river on the island of Java, Indonesia, but it has become a toxic river of waste.
Indonesia’s Water Woes l 101 East [05.08.2010]
Indonesia is home to some of the world’s dirtiest rivers, polluted by decades of domestic and industrial waste. The country’s rivers are polluted and clogged by decades of urbanisation and poor planning.
Iran’s great drought [14.12.2015]
How Iraq’s Neglect Made Basra’s Water Unsafe to Drink [22.07.2019]
Iraqi authorities have failed to ensure for almost 30 years that Basra residents have sufficient safe drinking water, resulting in on-going health concerns, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The situation culminated in an acute water crisis that sent at least 118,000 people to hospital in 2018 and led to violent protests. The 128-page report, “Basra is Thirsty: Iraq’s Failure to Manage the Water Crisis,” found that the crisis is a result of complex factors that if left unaddressed will most likely result in future water-borne disease outbreaks and continued economic hardship. The authorities at the local and federal level have done little to address the underlying conditions causing the situation.
Feature: Israel aims to secure all of its water supply through desalination [22.11.2019]
Israeli experts share tips to solve water shortages [28.09.2019]
Where Jesus once preached, the holy waters are draining away [23.02.2019]
How Israel swims against tide of worldwide water crisis [6.01.2019]
How Israel Is Solving the Global Water Crisis [10.2015]
Israel could not have made the desert bloom without its incredible innovations in water technology. As the world becomes more aware of the importance of conserving water, they are turning to Israel for exports and expertise.
Israel’s Fourth Aquifer
Drought-hit Israel cuts water supply to Jordan [16.03.1999]
Change in behaviour needed for improved drought management in Jordan and the MENA region [04.12.2019]
A land without water: the scramble to stop Jordan from running dry [04.09.2019]
Water Crisis in Jordan [23.05.2019]
To Prevent Water Shortages, Jordan must Act without Delay [04.03.2019]
Water Scarcity in Amman, Jordan [2019]
Depleted: Water and Patience Are Running Out in Jordan [01.08.2018]
Increasing drought in Jordan: Climate change and cascading Syrian land-use impacts on reducing transboundary flow [08.2017]
Supporting Morocco’s Water Scarcity and Drought Management and Mitigation Plan
Report: Morocco Faces High Water Stress, Ranks 22nd Worldwide [01.08.2018]
The Making of a Water Crisis [01.08.2018]
In Zagora, Morocco, residents never know when water will flow so they leave the taps on [05.04.2018]
‘Thirsty protests’ hit Morocco over water shortages [15.10.2017]
World Bank: Managing Urban Water Scarcity in Morocco [2017]
Water scarcity
Morocco | Earth Focus [23.04.2019]
At the edge of Morocco’s Sahara region, a new way of harvesting water has the potential to deeply impact a culture. Nontraditional fog catching technology is empowering women and saving the fate of a mountain community.
Morocco’s solution to water scarcity [16.06.2011]
Water is getting scarce. Agriculture is the number one user of water worldwide. If dry areas of the world aren’t careful, their agriculture will soon be in big trouble. Morocco is a good example of a country that has woken up to its water problems.
Life Out of Balance [24.02.2010]
In late 2008, NOMADIC FILMS and DDC teamed up to produce three films on climate change focusing on Niger, Indonesia and Peru. The piece showed at the United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change in Bali on December 12, 2008
Living Without Water (Water Shortage Documentary) | Real Stories [03.10.2018]
What’s it like to live without running water? In Peru’s sprawling capital, Lima, this is the everyday reality for 1.5 million children and adults, forced to pay up to a week’s salary for just one day’s water. And the problem isn’t confined to the capital, across the country, the shortage of water is putting lives in danger and provoking conflict, as it displaces communities and threatens their agricultural livelihoods.
In places around the world, supplies of groundwater are rapidly vanishing. As aquifers decline and wells begin to go dry, people are being forced to confront a growing crisis. Much of the planet relies on groundwater. And in places around the world – from the United States to Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America – so much water is pumped from the ground that aquifers are being rapidly depleted and wells are going dry.
Lima’s looming water crisis | Global Ideas [13.12.2011]
It hardly ever rains in the Peruvian capital of Lima, which is surrounded by desert. With less than one centimeter of rainfall per year, the city’s population of nine million depends on glacier water from the Andes. But now the glaciers are melting at the same time as Lima’s population is growing. It’s expected to reach 12 million by the year 2050. Drinking water is in increasingly short supply. The Lima Water project (LiWa) sets out to tackle the looming water crisis.
The Pasig River: Reviving a Dead Water in the Philippines [22.05.2011]
The Pasig River in the Philippines was a clear, flowing body of water that served as the center of commerce in Spanish colonial Manila in the 1800s. Stretching 27 kilometers, it connects Laguna Lake to Manila Bay and was the major source of water and livelihood of the many communities along its banks. People washed clothes in the shallower waters and fisher folks’ daily catch were always bountiful. The passenger boats that plied the river from the nearby province of Laguna to Manila and back served as the primary means of transportation. The Pasig river’s demise was a slow process that began in the 1930s, when fish migration from Laguna Lake decreased, and people stopped bathing and washing activities. By the 1970s, the river stank and turned black. Water quality dropped. In 1989, the Philippine government began working with international partners to rehabilitate the river. Improvements have been made in the condition of the Pasig River, but it still has along way to go. The Asian Development Bank is working to improve the river alongside government agencies, academics, non-government organizations, and communities and businesses. The Asian Development Bank aims for an Asia and Pacific free from poverty. Approximately 1.4 billion people in the region are poor and unable to access essential goods, services, assets and opportunities to which every human is entitled. Get involved. Share this video.
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South Africa
The real water crisis: Not understanding what’s needed [07.11.2019]
South Africa’s real water crisis: not understanding what’s needed [06.11.2019]
Everything you need to know about the ‘water crisis’ in SA [29.10.2019]
A perfect storm is gathering: South Africa’s perpetual water crisis [12.09.2019]
World Economic Forum: Cape Town almost ran out of water. Here’s how it averted the crisis [23.08.2019]
Cape Town delayed Day Zero but South Africa’s water woes aren’t over [01.06.2019]
Cape Town’s ‘Day Zero’ Water Crisis, One Year Later [12.04.2019]
One year after the water crisis, Cape Town recovers from tourism drought [21.03.2019]
How Cape Town was saved from running out of water [04.05.2018]
Why Cape Town Is Running Out of Water, and Who’s Next [05.03.2018]
The South African city plans to shut off the taps to 4 million people. But it’s just one of many cities around the world facing a future with too little water.
Water Crisis – South Africa
South Africa drought: maize production drops by a third [23.08.2015]
As many as 27 million people in Southern Africa will need emergency food aid by the end of the year. One in 10 people will have to rely on food handouts. The shortage has been caused by erratic rainfall, flooding and scorching temperatures. Al Jazeera’s Fahmida Miller reports from Kwazulu-Natal province.
How drought and the fight for water is splitting the state of California [15.08.2017]
After 6 years of drought, California has finally had a deluge of rain. But with much of the state’s water supply being sent to LA, people in drought-affected areas feel they’ve been left high and dry.
California Struggles with Groundwater Depletion Following End of Drought [03.02.2017]
Climate change will result in more rainfall and less snowfall, leading to flooding in the winter and shortages in the summer, says Pacific Institute’s Heather Cooley
Recharging the Ogallala Aquifer: Saving Ancient Water | NBC News [22.04.2016]
The Ogallala Aquifer, the largest freshwater aquifer in North America, crosses 8 state lines, but after years of irrigation, it’s been drained to record low levels. Now there are plans to begin restoring the aquifer.
Pumped Dry: Dry wells, sinking ground in Calfornia [10.12.2015]
California residents struggle as groundwater levels drop below the reach of their wells. In places around the world, supplies of groundwater are rapidly vanishing. As aquifers decline and wells begin to go dry, people are being forced to confront a growing crisis. Much of the planet relies on groundwater. And in places around the world – from the United States to Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America – so much water is pumped from the ground that aquifers are being rapidly depleted and wells are going dry.
The water crisis: How California overcomes the drought | David Sedlak | TEDxMarin [19.10.2015]
Professor David Sedlak presents a solution based approach to the worsening Water Crisis on the West Coast Author, Professor and Director of the Institute for Environmental Science and Engineering at UC Berkeley, Professor Sedlak has developed cost-effective, safe, and sustainable systems to manage water resources, with emphasis on local sources of water, by water reuse– using municipal wastewater effluent to sustain aquatic ecosystems and augment drinking water supplies–and the treatment and use of urban runoff to contaminated groundwater from industrial sites as water supplies.
Louisiana’s Coastal Crisis: Oil And Water [29.08.2015]
Louisiana is currently losing around a football field’s worth of land every hour to the encroaching ocean. The erosion is due to an array of factors, from an ill-conceived historic levee system, the legacy of oil and gas drilling and, of course, the area’s susceptibility to hurricanes.
New York’s Toxic Wasteland: America’s Water Crisis (Part 1/3)
Every time it rains in New York City, billions of gallons of raw sewage are piped directly into the Hudson River. Superstorms like Hurricane Sandy only magnify the issue by flooding New York’s waterways with even more human feces. It’s a direct effect of the way New York City’s wastewater pipes were built, and it’s the same basic infrastructure problem facing over 40 million people in 700 American cities. In the first part of a three-part series on freshwater in America, Emerson Rosenthal takes a dip in the grand Hudson River to find out just how far we’ve swum up shit’s creek.
Florida Sinkholes are Swallowing Cars: America’s Water Crisis (Part 2/3) [14.11.2012]
The wonderful state of Florida has pumped so much groundwater from underground aquifers that its foundation is literally sinking. The result: A rash of sinkholes across the state’s gut has been sucking homes, humans, and housepets into the Earth. Emerson dons his speedo, flip-flops, and “best Florida shirt ever” to sniff out a sinkhole and find out why Floridians keep pumping their state dry.
State of Thirst: California’s Water Future [11.07.2008]
Are we in danger of running out of water? California’s population is growing by 600,000 people a year, but much of the state receives as much annual rainfall as Morocco.
Wall Street Journal: A Fine for a Flush: Drought Leaves Southern Africa High and Dry [14.12.2019]
A worsening water crisis ravages crops, livestock and even the continent’s biggest waterfall; Zimbabweans contend with a new weekly ritual
Thirsty nation: Water shortage deepens Harare’s economic woes [07.11.2019]
The Water Crisis Fact Sheet No. 2, 2019 [05.10.2019]
How one family is surviving the extreme water shortage in Zimbabwe’s capital [02.10.2019]
Zimbabwe’s Access to Water Is in Peril [25.09.2019]
Zimbabwe’s water woes worsen as capital shuts down treatment plant [24.09.2019]
‘Life here goes backwards’: Water crisis makes things even worse in Zimbabwe [14.09.2019]
Drought means residents are only allowed to use the tap once a week [17.07.2019]
Zimbabwe water shortage: ‘I have never used a shower’ [29.11.2016]
General articles
Extreme weather: Between deluge and drought, freshwater sources are struggling to replenish [20.03.2019]
Where are the world’s most water-stressed cities? [29.07.2016]
General videos
Blue Gold World Water Wars [1.02.2019]
Documentary that examines the environmental and political implications of the decrease in water supply on the planet, and postulates that the wars of the future will be waged on water. The film also highlights some success stories of water activists around the world and calls for community action. The film is based on the book Blue Gold: The Right to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World’s Water by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke
Pumped Dry: The Global Crisis of Vanishing Groundwater | USA TODAY [14.08.2018]
In places around the world, supplies of groundwater are rapidly vanishing. As aquifers decline and wells begin to go dry, people are being forced to confront a growing crisis.
The world’s supply of cheap and clean fresh water will likely plummet as the climate warms and populations boom. Can we find ways to conserve, cut waste, and find new sources before it’s too late? The latest installment of our What Happens Next series looks for solutions in an unlikely spot: a city perched on the edge of the world’s oldest desert. For the residents of Windhoek, Namibia, the arid future arrived long before the growing freshwater crisis made headlines around the world. And this city responded to worsening cycles of drought by tapping water resources from a radical source that was already on hand: wastewater from their own city sewers. And while the technology for building a toilet-to-tap management system isn’t new, the mindset required to do here offers a lesson to any city facing an increasingly arid future.
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