Green Pastures Farm
21975 Devil’s Washboard
Clark, MO 65243

Greg and Jan Judy live in Rucker, Missouri, 24 miles northwest of Columbia. Their grazing operation includes 16 farms, four owned and 12 leased. They graze grass genetic South Poll cows, cow/calf pairs, bred heifers, bulls, stockers and a parasite resistant St. Croix hair sheep flock. Their emphasis is on working in balance with nature and keeping inputs low. For them that means:
• Using no hormone implants, no worming, no fly ear tags, no insecticide pasture back rubs. They have 450 tree swallow bird houses installed around the farms that help with natural fly control on our livestock
• Calves and lambs are weaned naturally by their mothers
• Livestock graze rich fresh pasture and get fresh, clean water every day
In 1999, Greg Judy was dead broke and he thought his family farm was history. But then he read a quote from Allan Nation that changed his whole outlook: “Your sole purpose should be not to own the land, but to make a living from the land.” And that’s just what Greg decided to do. Based on his personal experience, Greg Judy shows how to make a living from the land without owning it. He describes his successes as well as his mistakes to help others on the road to profit. By leasing land and cattle he went from 40 stockers to over 1100 head and was able to pay off his farm and home loan within three years. Today they have sixteen farms totaling more than 1620 acres. Soft cover, 236 pages.
- Find idle pasture land to lease • How to approach prospective landowners to lease their land: Calculate the cost of a lease and write a contract • Develop good water on leased land • Figure costs for fencing • Lower risk through custom grazing • Promote wildlife and develop timber stands • Cut costs and keep accurate records.
Who will benefit from this book?
• Beginning graziers seeking a way to get started in grass farming without capital • Experienced graziers wanting to expand their operations with little to no additional capital • Anyone who has profit as their goal.
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Comeback Farms takes up where Greg’s previous book, No Risk Ranching ended. Here, Greg shows how to add sheep, goats and pigs to existing cattle operations. Greg details fencing and water systems that build on existing infrastructure set up for Management-intensive Grazing. Sharing his first-hand experience (the mistakes as well as successes), Greg takes graziers to the next level. He shows how High Density Grazing (HDG) on his own farm and those he leases can revitalize hayed out, scruffy, weedy pastures, and turn them into highly productive grazing landscapes that grow both green grass and greenbacks. If you have six cows or 6000, you can utilize High Density Grazing to create fertile soils, lush pastures, and healthy livestock. Greg Judy, the master of custom grazing, shows how to earn profits with little risk while using other people’s livestock on leased land. With grain and fuel prices rising, Greg details how to work with nature without costly inputs, and let the animals be your labor force. Softcover, 276 pages.
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Recommended equipment
Cyclops electric fence chargers:
Stafix energizers:
Taragate Geared Reels:
PLASSON Quick Coupling Valves:
Cow head catcher – example