Tudor Monastery Farm is a British factual television series, first broadcast on BBC Two on 13 November 2013. The series, the fifth in the historic farm series, following the original, Tales from the Green Valley, stars archaeologists Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold, and historian Ruth Goodman. The team discover what farming was like during the Tudor period at the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum. The program also recurringly features other historians, such as Colin Richards (an expert on rural crafts), and Professor Ronald Hutton (who specializes in folklore and religious beliefs).
The Book of Husbandry
– Anthony Fitzherbert

The boke of husbandry·
Fitzherbert, John, d. 1531., Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538, attributed name.
[Imprynted at London: In fletestrete in the house of Thomas Berthelet, nere to the condite at the sygne of Lucrece, [ca. 1540?]]
Downside Abbey

The Abbey Church of St Gregory the Great, begun in 1873 and unfinished, is a Grade I listed building. Sir Nikolaus Pevsner described its Gothic style as “the most splendid demonstration of the renaissance of Roman Catholicism in Englan
Tom Pinfold
Tom Pinfold
Tom Pinfold is an archaeologist, specialising in Roman archaeology, especially in Britain and Northern Europe and has also studied as a military historian with interests from the Iron Age Celts to the Cold War. He is also a member of the Royal Naval Reserve (RNR) based at Hms Eaglet in Liverpool.
At the start of the year he was working for the Royal Navy on the 70th Anniversary Battle of the Atlantic Commemorations in Liverpool before moving down to Sussex to work on Tudor Monastery Farm, his first foray into television (despite working briefly behind the scenes on Victorian Farm in 2007).
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