It’s started all over Poland. Professor on mowing: Stupidity
Every year the mowing season starts earlier and earlier. It’s not even mid-April and the grass is already being mowed in many housing estates in Poland. Experts tell us about the dangers of mowing grass.

The season started exceptionally early. An expert talks about mowing grass (ADOBE STOCK, FACEBOOK)
Cities and cooperative boards seem to be deaf to the words of ecologists who emphasize how unwise frequent mowing is.
Reapers react when they see yellow dandelions. It affects them like a rag to a bull. But this is not good. In Poland, cities are mowed too early, notes botanist Professor Łukasz Łuczaj in an interview with
The ecologist says that earlier mowing is a consequence of climate changes and earlier spring. He adds that in many countries a special program “May without mowing” has been introduced. Its originators emphasize that for the good of nature, real mowing should start after 1 June.
The problem of overzealous grass cutting is increasingly noticed not only by experts, but also by residents.
The mowing itself should also be varied. Some areas should be pruned much later. Urban Greenery Boards spend money on flower meadows and planting plants, but the best solution is to reduce mowing. One mowing a year gives the best diversity – explains the professor.
Lawn mowers are starting! Piekoszowska.
Yesterday I was sitting on a bench near the block, next to which green grass is finally appearing, with the first yellow dandelions and some (unfortunately) bees. And this morning and right now – some guys are mowing the grass – because someone wanted a mowed lawn in front of the building, not some meadow with flowers. How limited you must be to mow now – one of the annoyed Internet users in the “Zielone Kielce” group says.
Similar emotions are expressed by our reader, Mrs. Joanna from Warsaw, under whose block the mowing began.
I cannot understand such behaviour. It’s barely turned green and they’ve already taken off – she says indignantly.
And in fact, some cities, such as Warsaw or Kraków, increasingly notice that the so-called Pollinators are very necessary in the city. Therefore, in some cases, instead of classic lawns, they choose flower meadows, which are not only easier to maintain, but also more beneficial for bees and other pollinating insects.
Urban gardeners and green volunteering would be useful to engage people in good care. Now a nationwide campaign to sow flower meadows is underway – says ecologist Professor Stanisław Czachorowski from the University of Warmia and Mazury.
Supporters are full of arguments
Undoubtedly, for some people, mowing urban lawns has aesthetic values. However, more and more people appreciate the natural appearance of greenery in cities. However, the appearance of lawns is not the only thing that, according to supporters, supports mowing.
Mowing also allows you to limit the spread of expansive weeds that quickly dominate the area covered with grass. Additionally, in some places they may limit visibility (especially near road traffic lanes) – we read on the website.
There is also an argument that during the flowering period on lawns there are many plants that have strong allergenic properties, and this is expected to contribute to the increase in the number of people suffering from allergies.
The last argument of mowing supporters is the fact that lawns are habitats for ticks. And, as we know, there are more and more of them every year. For humans, a tick bite carries the risk of Lyme disease and even tick-borne encephalitis, while our four-legged friends can contract babesiosis, which in extreme cases can even be fatal.
Neither ticks nor allergies have anything to do with it. We need to change aesthetics and habits. Good low greenery is not just about mowing or no mowing. Wise care is needed all the time, e.g. by sowing different species. Mowing at this time of year is stupid, says Professor Czachorowski.
Professor Czachorowski emphasizes that you can also create water gardens and many other forms of space development. You can “mow” with animals, e.g. goats and sheep. – This is already done in many places around the world – he says. In turn, Professor Łuczaj notes that frequent cutting of grass destroys the hiding places of animals living there.
Original article in Polish:
Zaczęło się w całej Polsce. Profesor o koszeniu: Głupota
Z roku na rok sezon koszenia zaczyna się coraz wcześniej. Nie ma jeszcze połowy kwietnia, a już kosi się trawy na wielu osiedlach w Polsce. O tym, jakie zagrożenia niesie koszenie traw, mówią nam eksperci.