Permaculture has been practised in Africa for over 30 years, with ongoing and effective projects mainly situated in Southern and Eastern Africa. Central and West Africa has seen a rapid increase in interest for and development of permaculture projects more recently.
Fambidzanai in Zimbabwe is the longest running project and has led to the establishment of Schools and Colleges Permaculture Education (SCOPE), which became Regional SCOPE (ReSCOPE) in 2007 and is now based in Malawi. ReSCOPE supports permaculture projects to take permaculture into formal education systems. The Malawian government has funded a pilot project to bring permaculture into primary schools.
Permaculture in Africa is linked in to the wider sustainability network through organisations like the Particpatory Land Management PELUM Association, which has networks across Southern and Eastern Africa.
Introducing Ndanifor Permaculture Eco-Village project of Better World Cameroon, a rural demonstration and education site in Bafut, North West Cameroon. This project is connected to GEN Africa. We promote Permaculture with an African perspective through intercultural exchange, Youth and Women’s empowerment and sustainable farming programs. visit…
15.11.2020 We are back in the garden doing a few tasks and preparing for more planting. Join us as we trim back the vegetables and follow the progress of the many banana plants.
3.12.2020 I’ve got a small project at hand today to regenerate a small patch of compacted earth. I will be applying permaculture principles of introducing organic matter and encouraging biodiversity in the soil.
Highlights from our Ghana Repatriation & Investment Tour May 24 – June 6, 2017. Brothers and Sisters from the African Diaspora return to their roots to experience the ultimate journey of a lifetime. The journey to the motherland introduces you to a vibrant Africa with a mix of roots, culture, paradise, night life, shopping, networking, business and investment opportunities. Let’s start working more towards empowering and being a part of the growth of Africa.
( Food insecurity is a major concern for all developing nations. This week on eye on Kenya, we look at an alternative farming method – permaculture, which hopefully seeks to address growing food concerns in the country.
Joseph Lentunyoi on ‘growing local’ for International Permaculture Day 2013. This interview was released on GROW LOCAL LIVE!, a 24 hour International Permaculture Day webcast on SUNDAY 5TH MAY 2013. See the full 24hr programmee on Grow Local Live!:
We are a project in Kamiyawa village Kodera sublocation, West Kasipul, Oyugis sub county, Homa-Bay County Kenya. We teach farmers on organic permaculture farming techniques and provide clean drinking water to the community through rain water harvesting.
Esther has been trained by Mindful Generations, a partner of PRI-Kenya. Here she talks about how permaculture has inspired her. Esther now trains local farmers in Kisii.
Transitioning from monocropping to mixed cropping for developing more income, increasing difersity etc. This is the farm of my friend Elizabeth, she stays in Laikipia were she has started to implement permaculture techniques I have taught here.… ‘Furrows in the Desert’, a project in which KKL-JNF is partner in Kenya, is teaching the Turkana people how to support themselves through sustainable Israeli agriculture, enabling them to independently attain food security in a harsh semi-arid region.
Going on a seed mission and installing 15 hugelculture beds! Pruning some timber trees and coppicing gliricidia for the Woody material it’s good working together even in the rain! There is a Swahili proverb about walking farther together. They are so right!
Over the years, the international crops research institute for semi-arid tropics (ICRISAT) and partners have released many new improved varieties of sorghum, millets, pigeon peas, and ground nuts that have enormous potential to increase productivity and nutrition. However, the adoption of these varieties, especially in many countries in Eastern Africa has been low, mainly due to lack of breeder and foundation seed, lack of seed systems, and an undeveloped value chain. With the support of the US government and under the Feed the Future Kenya Accelerated Value Chain Development (AVCD) Program, ICRISAT is working to promote the improved varieties of these crops that are drought tolerant and have proven to provide an assured harvest even in poor seasons. The program seeks to support over 100,000 farmers to grow more food for both household consumption and for commercial purposes. One such farmer is 50 year old Mr. Martin Jumbo from Busia County. Martin has been a farmer as long as he could remember, his dad was a farmer and passed the skills on to him. Since 2015, Martin began to dedicate 1½ acres of his land to drought tolerant crops and has realized an increase in the crop harvest and he is looking forward to allocate more land for the crops. Here is his story…… Farmers in Kenya are dealing with the challenges created by a changing climate by making the switch to ecological farming.
This ‘fifth floor farm’ in Nairobi, Kenya will amaze you. It is permaculture in action, in experimentation – a great example of what is possible in small spaces everywhere, particularly in apartments.
Morag Gamble (, and https://permacultureeducationinstitut…) is travelling to Uganda and Kenya in December to support locally-led permaculture programs with children and women in particular. She is taking her two eldest children, 12yo and 10yo, to help, learn and participate. They’ll be in Uganda for Christmas and arrive back home on New Year’s Day.
Growing coffee permaculture style in a food forest where it gets lots of shade makes for the best organic coffee. Shade-grown coffee requires no external inputs, tastes fantastic, and contributes to a healthy ecosystem. One of Kenya’s leading permaculture practitioners, Caleb Omolo, has been experimenting with shade-grown coffee for the past ten years.
Eston Mgala, one of the founders of Kusamala Institute of Agriculture & Ecology, an education and demonstration organization located in Malawi talks about the unique circumstances in Africa, and new ways of thinking of sustainable development.
Abigail Conrad – The Benefits and Limitations of Permaculture in Central Malawi (by skype)
George McAllister – Restoring Degraded Ecosystems by Unlocking Organic Market Potential: Case Study from Mashonaland East Province, Zimbabwe Sheila Taylor – Unlocking sustainable livelihoods: keyhole gardens in Africa and beyond
6.06.2020 Visiting a permaculture farm in the Sahara. Learning more about agriculture and farming in the desert of Morocco.
14.10.2016 Bio Medina takes you on a tour @ Dar Slaouia permaculture farm in the outskirts of Casablanca city, Combining ancient farming techniques and cutting edge technologies such as aquaponics, no till farming, companion planting, cover cropping and more.. if you are interested in coming and visiting us, please drop us a line. Links:…
15.01.2016 Permaculture consultant and design teacher Dave Spicer talks us through his experience in Morocco.
15.02.2018 An overview of the scale of works we installed at Ecole Vivante in the High Atlas of Morocco, we have already had reports of how incredibly effective this was against flash flooding
27.11.2019 Swales in Namibia for my Permaculture food Forest.
Deanne describes here the do and don’ts for starting up a permaculture project in a subtropical region. Speaking from her experience with successes and failures, the rules for permaculture project are different but rewarding. Deanne demonstrates the permaculture beds and how they evoluate. Wtth permaculture you can create ecosystems that require less input from you with permaculture designs.
Deanne part 2 Abéné.Deanne shows how quickly crops grow. The ecological advantages are abundant and proven. One of the best systems to have a fine return on investment. An ecological way to grow food doesn’t have to be costly. Permaculture offers you to be independent and self-relying. Deanne didn’t start with permaculture out of ideology but out of necessity to provide food for herself and for the people around her. Permaculture offered her the means for sustainable living as well as an economic way of saving money.
A 5-minute video on the mission and the activities of Taaru Askan Organic Farm in Senegal, West Africa.
12.07.2016 Interview Tanjo of Satang Jabang on permaculture The benefits of permaculture in the Casamance. Tanju, a member of the managing board of the school Satang Jabang relates how the Jardin Botanique in Kafountine was founded. Permaculture being one of the solutions to counter drought in Africa as it preserves and maintains the water balance. For more information on the permaculture formation: Centre Satang Jabang: +221 33 994 85 42
23.09.2020 In Senegal, one man has created a lush oasis in the middle of the desert. Goran N’Diaye is a pioneer of permaculture. Following his own success, he’s now training the next generation of young Senegalese farmers. In doing so, he hopes to change traditions and spread sustainable, ecologically friendly farming practices. Our colleagues from France 2 report, with FRANCE 24’s Ellen Gainsford.
En Francais – Marine, stagiaire en agroforesterie à l’APAF Sénégal, aide Mouna à planter des arbres non loin de nos buttes. Bel échange et beau partage. Bio-Jardinage de l’Amitié sur Facebook
South Africa
Black Gold: The Secrets of Compost was filmed with garden graduates in Swaziland, and is the first in a series of training workshop film adaptations which aim to present practical information using the storytelling tradition to enliven learning.
14.12.2020 This is a series of clips for my upcoming documentary where I will be sharing my journey on Permaculture, Farming and Community Development.
Designing Hope has developed several pedagogical gardens in South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho, promoting permaculture to encourage households to develop efficient vegetable gardens. This video present a demonstration of raised beds in Lesotho.
Our first official tour of our site on YouYube, we are so excited to share in our abundance
Everything you need to know about successful homesteading in South Africa This is my first Homesteading tour that I will be doing here in South Africa. As I have been living in my tiny house for the last few years and striving for energy independence, I have unknowingly become a Micro homesteader. And love been learning about solar harvesting and water harvesting and building etc. So I have decided to start creating some content about homesteading in South Africa. I have so many friends who live similarly to myself and there is such a wealth of information there to harvest and share. So if you are planning on moving away from the cities and start living more off-grid or energy independent then please do follow me and share this video. This is the first tour of my friend Daryl’s homestead. I’ve mostly focused on the most interesting parts of his homestead and I have also created a conversational video podcast where we do a bit more of a deep dive into the finer details of homesteading life. I hope to be able to find out from the people I visit all about what was most rewarding and where they could have saved money and what have they learnt from their time living this way.
How to make 18 day compost – recipe learnt from the wonderful Andrew Mugford – Permaculture South africa
19.10.2019 Inspiring permaculture ethics incorporated with indigeneous seed farm at AfricanMarmalade in Hekpoort South Africa. All elements and designs on the farm.
27.06.2017 Subsequent to the Church Of Christ’s Aid To Humanity project conducted in Ladybrand, South Africa, wherein people of the said place were given the chance to listen to the words of God and also receive food provisions, this time the poor and jobless were given stable livelihood, as promised by the Church Of Christ. Having bought a vast land to cultivate and protect, the Church
Further intensifying its livelihood program in Africa, the Church Of Christ through the leadership of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, Executive Minister, has started another eco-farming project in the Free State province of South Africa particularly in the agricultural town of Petrusburg. This eco-farming project for the Africans gives work opportunities to the residents of the said town and nearby locations. The Church also provides housing units to the families of farm workers, including the so-called ‘essentials’ of a suitable and decent shelter.
8.10.2015 Hi – I’m Bernhard Gruber from Upper Austria, I am dealing with permaculture. In 2009 was my first time to come to Africa, I was with a project group in southern Sudan. The people there used to say: If you drink water out of the Nile river you will come back. The same year I had the opportunity to travel with Franz Hörmanseder to Tanzania.
We are visiting our little organic farm and I explain how we managed to get some wildlife back to this area!
Morag Gamble (, https://permacultureeducationinstitut…, talks with a young permaculture leader in Uganda, Mugarura Charles, about the real need for permaculture in his country and communities. PLEASE DONATE GENEROUSLY TO SUPPORT PERMACULTURE FOOD GARDENS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN UGANDA AND KENYA. HTTPS://ETHOSFOUNDATION.ORG.AU (apologies for the low streaming quality from the connection between Australia and Uganda – if it is distracting, please just listen). Read more at… Morag and her two children, are travelling to Uganda and Kenya to work on a number of local permaculture projects organised by local people for local benefit. She is calling for support to raise $10k to take to distribute directly to communities. 100% of your donation goes to the communities! Charles knows all too well the feeling of chronic food shortages and hunger, growing up in an orphanage with quite often just one meal a day to eat. At the age of 16 he was introduced to permaculture by Rosemary Morrow and Dan Palmer. He saw what an incredible difference it made, being surrounded by abundant and diverse food gardens, rather than bare soil and cash crops. Charles is committed to helping spread the permaculture food garden through schools in Uganda, to set up demonstration gardens and to educate teachers how to use these outdoor spaces as valuable classrooms.
27.10.2014 Conservation agriculture is a farming technique that is not only raising harvest yields but is also raising the quality of life for the small scale farmers who use it in Zambia.
25.05.2015 Producing healthy food from simplified permaculture.
4.11.2020 A film about a permaculture project in a remote part of Zimbabwe. This project has solved problems of food security and soil erosion for six villages of the Chikukwa clan. The project has been going for twenty years. The film explains a new way to tackle food security problems in Africa. This is the shorter 20 minute version of ‘The Chikukwa Project’. For the longer version go to: Vimeo: A Zimbabwe Permaculture Project. Suitable for permaculture teaching, human geography, development studies, agricultural extension.
Take a tour of two permaculture projects. Morag Gamble ( welcomes environmental scientist, Silke Bollmohr PhD (, to her Permaculture Masterclass series. Silke lives in Kenya and is a foundation member of the Permaculture Education Institute (https://permacultureeducationinstitut…). Her focus has been on teaching people how to create thriving local food gardens in Nairobi and helping farmers to transition to natural regenerative farming methods. She has applied permaculture in her home farm, in a children’s home for orphans, and helped to ripple permaculture through her neighbourhood, to local farms, to teachers and beyond. It is remarkable what can happen when you choose to step up and take positive action. Through this film, learn how Silke has made these projects happen. Hear also the perspectives of local gardeners and farmers on the value of permaculture in Kenya. It is a practical and heartwarming story of hope and positivity.
2nd Advance Permaculture Training Course in Africa Indigenous Ecosystems Restoration Project
20.12.2013 Teachers training institute built in 2013 in Kenya by Seven Ravens Permaculture Academy in BC Canada. 1/2 an acre transformed by students and community in three weeks including school training centre, water systems, ponds and fish farming, gardens and tree nursery.
13.09.2014 Distant Relatives Ecolodge & Backpackers partners with the Permaculture Research Institute of Kenya andTichafa Makovere, a permaculture instructor.
3.05.2017 Laikipia Permaculture Center – PRI Kenya
7.05.2020 Kisumi City, Kenya – Advanced Permaculture Design Course Kisumu City Permaculture Academy Kenya I
14.02.2015 Claire Kellerman a Permaculturist Singer and founder of the Maui Permaculture Network explains how permaculture can be applied in Africa for the highest good for all.
Practical Permaculture Institutes of East Africa Our mission is to introduce Permaculture education throughout East Africa. We aim to reach small scale farmers, youths & women, village leaders, business owners and especially teachers with practical, hands-on permaculture skills to promote future food and water security and to ensure dynamic economic development.
Permaculture Design South Africa This platform provides permaculture based training, consultation, services and products. Our main focus is running Permaculture related Courses, Permaculture Internships and supporting the establishment of permaculture systems around the world through consultations, products and support.
East Africa Permaculture Project The East Africa Permaculture Project was started in September 2018 to serve communities, children’s homes, and schools in East Africa – Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. The permaculture ethics of Care for the Earth, Care for People and Care for the Future are at the heart of everything we do. These ethics inform how and why we support the people of East Africa. We understand that when the ethics of permaculture align, food security will occur.
Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Association Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Association is a network of Civil Society Organizations / NGOs working with Small-scale farmers in East, central and Southern Africa. The Association membership has grown from 25 pioneer members (in 1995) to over 250 members in 2014. PELUM- Kenya is the Kenyan country chapter of the PELUM Association and has a membership of 57 member organizations. Uganda:
Go Farm Africa Initiative Our mission is to train and supports West Africa farmers in sustainable and increase food production, we also investing in the development of rural farmers by offering them a combination of knowledge, experience, and financial support to create livelihoods, boost income and inspire permanent change, while protecting the environment for years to come.
Regional Schools and Colleges Permaculture (ReSCOPE) Programme The younger generations are the future custodians of the planet’s resources and many initiatives must be taken to educate them for sustainable development and also to improve the present situations of food and nutrition insecurity, and environmental degradation. Such initiatives include the Schools and Colleges Permaculture (SCOPE) Programmes which are promoting the whole school approach and food forests in Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe with more countries poised to join in. The SCOPE Programmes have linked up to form a regional network that is amplifying their voice and is strengthening this critical work which brings together the learners, teachers and community stakeholders such as farmers and traditional leaders.
23.06.2020 Join us for this open conversation with Mugove Nyika (Rescope Programme) and Daniel Christian Wahl (Regenerative Cultures) for a rich discussion on Regenerative Community Design.