A mule is a cross between a horse and donkey. However, it’s a cross between a mare (a female horse) and a jack (a male donkey, thus the name jackass). Apparently, it’s pretty rare for a male horse and female donkey (called a jenny, BTW) to hook up and produce offspring. But when it does happen, the result is called hinny. And offspring of either pairing are almost always sterile.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mule-Day-799041583533786/
The history of the mule in the USA
Source: https://www.luckythreeranch.com/lucky-three-ranch-training/mule-facts
In addition to being the father of our country, George Washington was an enlightened agriculturalist—a visionary who, early on, saw the true value of the mule. But right from the beginning, he faced a major obstacle. At the time, the Spanish Government prohibited acquisition of the legendary Andalusian donkey. However, in 1785, King Charles III of Spain presented Washington with a gift of two jacks and two jennets. One of the jacks died during the voyage, but the survivor, named Royal Gift, went on to sire an American dynasty that reshaped the very landscape of this country. But with the advent of engine-powered vehicles, the mule’s once-critical role in agriculture and industry diminished. It’s estimated that, by the late 1960s, fewer than 10,000 mules existed in the United States, and many of those languished—unused, unnoticed and in danger of fading from our culture altogether.

But a handful of mule and donkey lovers were determined to keep that from happening. Among them were Paul and Betsy Hutchins who, in 1967, founded the American Donkey and Mule Society, an organization dedicated to the protection and understanding of longears. They also publish The Brayer, a bi-monthly magazine with an international subscriber base. Mules and donkeys have enjoyed resurgent popularity during the last 40 years. Today, annual events such as Bishop Mule Days in Bishop, Calif., host more than 30,000 people and 700 mules. Mule events, stock shows, trade publications and even television programs like Meredith’s series, Training Mules and Donkeys, continue to foster interest in these amazing animals.
Columbia, Tennessee Mule Day
What is Mule Day?
Mule Day is an annual celebration of all things related to mules and is held in Columbia, Tennessee, the “Mule Capital” of the world. Begun in 1840 as “Breeder’s Day”, a meeting for mule breeders, it now attracts over 200,000 people and takes place over four days. In addition to mules, traditional Appalachian food, music, dancing, and crafts are featured.
Mule Day History
“Mule Day” has been a popular Columbia tradition for nearly 170 years, since the 1840s. It began as “Breeder’s Day”, a single day livestock show and mule market event held on the first Monday in April. Over time, “Mule Day” evolved from a single day event into a multi-day festival, attracting thousands of attendees, lasting almost a week. The heavy involvement of Maury County in the mule industry has caused the event to grow over time into “one of the largest livestock markets in the world.”
Mule Day Events
If you visit during Mule Day celebrations, you might see a square dance, a mule-driving contest, a horse show, a crafts festival, or attend a flea market. Other events include “working mule”, “best of breed”, or even lumberjack competitions. Food served at the event includes barbecue, roasted corn, home-made pies and funnel cakes.
Since 1934, the festival has been highlighted by a “Mule Day Parade” held on Saturday during the celebration. Floats in the parade compete, with winners in each judged category receiving awards such as ribbons or money.
The contest for the Mule Day Queen is also held on Saturday. The competition is open to contestants age 15 to 21. The winner is selected based on an essay and other criteria.
The annual mule pull contest requires a pair of mules to pull a sled loaded with cinder blocks 10 feet. Each pair is given 3 tries to make it the full 10 feet. The team that pulls the most weight wins.

Role of mules in Afghanistan war zone
Thanks due to James Culpepper
During the Carter administration, an influential congressman had it brought to his attention that using mules to supply the Afghans who opposed the Russian occupation would enable the Mujihadeens to drive the Russians out.
Along with other supply, night trains of mules based in Pakistan hauled shoulder fired antiaircraft missiles, Barret rifles firing Browning 50 cal. and presumably, 12.7 Dashka machine gun ammo, which, with the thin air of high altitude making evasive manuevers sluggish, proved lethal often enough to nuetralise Russian ground attack aircraft, which were the only thing that the Mujihadeen actually feared.
The rebels thus armed were positioned at altitude above where Russian air support was expected when rebel ground attacks were mounted against Soviet positions.
Reese Brothers Mule company of Gallatin, Sumner co, Tn, was the prime contractor for around a regiment worth of mules which were shipped to Pakistan.
Sumner county, being blessed with the phosphatic ordovician limestone soils peculiar to “horse country” around the world, such as Lexington Ky and New Market, England, produced thoroughbreds on the farms along Station Camp creek which often dominated the running stock from Kentucky till the anti gambling and alcohol statutes gradually killed the industry in Tennessee.
The 10th mtn Division retains pack burros for supply in rough terrain, finding them far preferable to mechanical transport.