Shepherds Lane of Oregon, LLC
34503 Meridian Road
Lebanon, Oregon 97355
541.258.2692 farm
707.696.8472 mobile
website: https://www.shepherdslane.com/
Source: https://www.njvalaisblacknosesheep.com/about-valais-blacknose-sheep-breed
The History of Valais
The Valais Blacknose Sheep, German:Walliser Schwarznasenschaf originated back in the 15th century from the Valais Canton region of Switzerland, but were not recognized as a breed until 1962. They are considered a rare breed of sheep. The Valais Blacknose actually were declining in numbers early in the 20th century, but most recently – with the assistance of social media have seen quite a resurgence. Once found only in remote villages of Switzerland, they have now expanded to Germany, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and more recently the USA.
Valais Breed Description
The Valais, as they are often referred to, have a simply stunning and unique appearance. They are a long-wool breed of sheep that feature beautiful white curly wool with a distinct black face and nose – a look that you simply can’t help but to love! Black patches are found on the ears, nose, hocks and knee caps, with a black tail spot marking on ewes only. Eventually both female and male sheep grow amazing spiral or helical-shaped horns.
Valais in the United States
Worldwide Valais sheep numbers are estimated under 19,000, leading them to be categorized formally as a rare sheep breed. Unfortunately, there are NO pure-bred Valais Blacknose sheep currently in the US and this highly sought-after breed is still not allowed to be directly imported. But, finally in late 2016, the United States was granted approval to allow the importation of pure-bred semen to be shipped in for elite special breed-up programs.
A lovely day at Shepherds Lane! Getting the ewes and new lambs out on grass and boy, are they enjoying life!
22.10.2020 Valais Blacknose sheep imported into Australia for the first time
A unique sheep breed commonly referred to as “the world’s cutest sheep” is creating something of a biosecurity storm in Australia.
Valais Blacknose sheep originated from Switzerland and can now be found around the world in places like Europe, the United States and New Zealand.https://ae3aa6dcbdc1e99bc29fe0f3a7fa3991.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html
The breed comes from countries that are not free of scrapie – a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) disease which affects the central nervous system of sheep and goats and leads to the animals scratching or scraping patches of their fleece until skin is exposed, ultimately leading to their death.
There are also some Valais Blacknose sheep which are not susceptible to scrapie, so they are able to carry and transmit the disease without showing any symptoms themselves.
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6.03.2021 March comes in like an adorable lamb at Arlyn Vineyard
Thanks to a trio of new arrivals at Arlyn Vineyard in Newberg, the Willamette Valley is now the world’s cutest wine region. Say hello to the Valais Blacknose sheep, a vineyard employee that can’t help but make you smile.
The Valais Blacknose sheep are a breed native to the mountains of southern Switzerland. The breed, which looks like sheep as imagined by Wallace & Gromit, is marked by a jet-black face, ears, knees, boots, and in the ewe’s case, posteriors. Both rams and ewes develop spiral horns.
Amazingly for something so cuddly, the global population of the Valais Blacknose is estimated to only be around 14,000. That’s likely to change as more and more farmers like Janis Pate, Arlyn Vineyard’s owner, discover their charming attributes.
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Valley Blacknose Sheep Society
Created in 2016, the Valais Blacknose Sheep Society (VBSS) is dedicated to the establishment and promotion of the Valais Blacknose Sheep in the USA.
The Society finds it foundations in an open and collaborative approach to building consensus and cooperation among its membership in the United States and affiliated members abroad.
Keeping the breed pure
The Society maintains a registry of Valais Blacknose Sheep (VBS) bred according to the Society’s rules for registration in the United States. These upgrading rules are a vital protection to the long term integrity of the breed, as only limited semen imports are possible due to the extreme cost and regulation of such activities. The ability to select future generations with appropriate characteristics depends on implementing proper record keeping, foundation breed selection and careful selection of subsequent generations.
The Society is comitted to assisting its members in creating a sustainable VBS population that closely meets the breed standard, and once meeting the criteria of “American Purebred”, will breed true for generations to come.
Facebook: Valais Blacknose Sheep International – Exchange and Info
Anyone who shares the love and passion for the Valais Blacknose Sheep is welcome to this group. We talk about them, exchange experiences and trade internationally. Whether you have got your own Valais Blacknose Sheep or you are dreaming of owning one, you are welcome to this group.

Wing & A Prayer Farm

Farmer Tam, with the help of her children and community, have been cultivating a home with a heart for fiber animals of all species and breeds in a small New England town since 2001. The focus on breed specific fiber, by beloved flocks, keeps Tamara and helpers busy year round. The farm typically sells wool products, farm made soaps, home baked pies, fresh eggs and chicks through farm markets, sheep and wool festivals, and their online shop. Tamara teaches Natural Dyeing, Baking, Soap Making and Farming Workshops episodically. The farm hosts visits by appointment and workshops for learning homestead and fiber arts. The latest development on the farm, since 2019, is the up-breeding program of Valais Blacknose Sheep.
Wing & A Prayer Farm is home to Vermont’s first pure blood Valais Blacknose Sheep and some of the first Valais Blacknose Sheep in North America.
Website: https://www.wingandaprayerfarm.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wingandaprayerf