A truffle is the fruiting body of a subterranean ascomycete fungus, predominantly one of the many species of the genus Tuber. In addition to Tuber, many other genera of fungi are classified as truffles including Geopora, Peziza, Choiromyces, Leucangium, and over a hundred others. These genera belong to the class Pezizomycetes and the Pezizales order. Several truffle-like basidiomycetes are excluded from Pezizales, including Rhizopogon and Glomus.
Truffles are ectomycorrhizal fungi, so are usually found in close association with tree roots. Spore dispersal is accomplished through fungivores, animals that eat fungi. These fungi have significant ecological roles in nutrient cycling and drought tolerance.
Some of the truffle species are highly prized as food. French gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin called truffles “the diamond of the kitchen”. Edible truffles are used in French and numerous national haute cuisines. Truffles are cultivated and harvested from natural habitats.
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SYNOPSIS: Deep in the forests of Piedmont, Italy, a handful of men, seventy or eighty years young, hunt for the rare and expensive white Alba truffle—which to date has resisted all of modern science’s efforts at cultivation. They’re guided by a secret culture and training passed down through generations, as well as by the noses of their cherished and expertly-trained dogs. They live a simpler, slower way of life, in harmony with their loyal animals and their picture-perfect land, seemingly straight out of a fairy tale. They’re untethered to cell phone screens or the Internet, opting instead to make their food and drink by hand and prioritizing in-person connections and community.
The demand for white truffles increases year after year, even as the supply decreases. As a result of climate change, deforestation, and the lack of young people taking up the mantle, the truffle hunters’ secrets are more coveted than ever. However, as it soon becomes clear, these ageing men may just hold something much more valuable than even this prized delicacy: the secret to a rich and meaningful life.
Review: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/sep/16/the-truffle-hunters-review-dogs
Dr Thomas also explains how we’re able to cultivate truffles with some insight into the scientific methods involved in our laboratory and nurseries. For more information around truffle cultivation, establishing a truffle tree plantation or for buying truffle trees as an addition to your garden then please visit us as www.plantationsystems.com
Truffle hunting in the UK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRz5HtDNHgU
Truffles in Australia
Truffle dealers
Types of truffles

Black Périgord truffle, cross-sectionMain article: Tuber melanosporum
The black truffle or black Périgord truffle (Tuber melanosporum), the second-most commercially valuable species, is named after the Périgord region in France. Black truffles associate with oaks, hazelnut, cherry, and other deciduous trees and are harvested in late autumn and winter.
Summer or burgundy

The black summer truffle (Tuber aestivum) is found across Europe and is prized for its culinary value. Burgundy truffles (designated Tuber uncinatum, but the same species) are harvested in autumn until December and have aromatic flesh of a darker colour. These associate with various trees and shrubs.
Tuber magnatum, the high-value white truffle or trifola d’Alba Madonna (“Truffle of the Madonna from Alba” in Italian) is found mainly in the Langhe and Montferrat areas of the Piedmont region in northern Italy, and most famously, in the countryside around the cities of Alba and Asti. A large percentage of Italy’s white truffles also come from Molise.
In Spain, per government regulation, white summer truffles can be harvested only in May through July.

The “whitish truffle” (Tuber borchii) is a similar species native to Tuscany, Abruzzo, Romagna, Umbria, the Marche, and Molise. It is reportedly not as aromatic as those from Piedmont, although those from Città di Castello are said to come quite close.
Geopora spp. are important ectomycorrhizal partners of trees in woodlands and forests throughout the world. Pinus edulis, a widespread pine species of the Southwest US, is dependent on Geopora for nutrient and water acquisition in arid environments. Like other truffle fungi, Geopora produces subterranean sporocarps as a means of sexual reproduction.[43] Geopora cooperi, also known as pine truffle or fuzzy truffle, is an edible species of this genus.
A less common truffle is “garlic truffle” (Tuber macrosporum).

In the U.S. Pacific Northwest, several species of truffle are harvested both recreationally and commercially, most notably, the Leucangium carthusianum, Oregon black truffle; Tuber gibbosum, Oregon spring white truffle; and Tuber oregonense, the Oregon winter white truffle. Kalapuya brunnea, the Oregon brown truffle, has also been commercially harvested and is of culinary note.

The pecan truffle (Tuber lyonii) syn. texense is found in the Southern United States, usually associated with pecan trees. Chefs who have experimented with them agree “they are very good and have potential as a food commodity”. Although pecan farmers used to find them along with pecans and discard them, considering them a nuisance, they sell for about $160 a pound and have been used in some gourmet restaurants.
Truffiere etc. in the United States
Baker Farm, South Carolina, USA: Truffiere is the French term for “truffle patch.” Our truffle orchard was planted in September of 2013. Most of the trees were inoculated in January 2013.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SusanRiceAlexanderTruffles
So Why a Truffière?
Introducing Foodie Famous entrepreneur Susan Rice. Susan is CEO/President of Black Diamond French Truffles, Inc and Susan Rice Truffle Products.
Since 2006 Susan has been developing the largest commercial truffle orchard in America. The truffiere grows and harvests the Black Diamond French Perigord Truffle, the most sought after truffle in France.
Susan uses her culinary talents to create and distribute truffle products to the world with an exquisite fusing of European and American flavors.
Susan’s message of this delicacy is being delivered across the world as her passion to bring this fungus to the palate of American’s is featured in associated press articles throughout the world. She has been featured in thousands of top media publications throughout the world. Including USA Today (on three separate occasions), W Magazine, Fox Business News prime time, Luxury Living, Robb Report, Wine and Food Radio South Beach and major newspapers, blogs, chef’s editorial, television and radio talk shows.
Susan’s passion for this sexy delicacy brings excitement to wine and food events and social gatherings. Her blend of culinary talent and business smarts creates an atmosphere of pure indulgent for all to share with a smile.
Susan is a member of the Women Chef & Restaurateurs organization and Fancy Food Show. She is on the USA today board of CEO’s. Serving as a board member on the Agricultural and Technical College in Greensboro in research and development s aids her in her quest to turn NC Tobacco farmland into an alternative crop producing truffles. Susan works with State Agriculture departments, European truffle experts and truffle growers throughout the world was.
Susan was inducted into the New Hampshire chapter of Chaîne des Rôtisseurs as the “Professionnel de la Table” on October 29, 2011 and is a current member.
Susan’s home base and test kitchen is in Pinehurst NC. The orchard is located approximately 10 miles from her home. She shares in local events like the famous Annual Wine Festival in Pinehurst as the chef has asked her to participate and cook as his special guest for the past four year.
Susan was the special guest at the San Diego Wine Festival with Chef Gary Thompson and was the highlight of the event with a truffle cooking class on November 18, 2009.
Susan Alexander is known throughout the truffle world as an authority on the tasty fungus. She works with master chefs, truffle experts, universities and farmers to keep the truffle movement in America current.
Susan Alexander has been aired on television, twice on Fox News shows. Once on May 6, 2011 and again on March 8, 2012. She can also be viewed on Woman For Hire NYC which aired June 16, 2010. Women for Hire which specializes in diversity career recruitment and empowering professional women.
Truffle hustle: Selling one of the world’s most expensive ingredients
WTOP.com | Alexa | Google Home | WTOP App | 103.5 FM
WASHINGTON — When I called Ian Purkayastha to talk about his new book, “Truffle Boy,” he was driving around New York City with about $70,000.
Purkayastha’s car wasn’t filled with cash, it was filled with truffles — more specifically, a shipment of winter black truffles that had just arrived from Spain — and he was in a hurry.
“From the moment they arrive, I have to pretty much sell them immediately because in a four-day span of time they can lose 10 percent of their weight. When you’re talking about $70,000 worth of truffles, it’s quite a lot of money you can lose if you don’t sell them in a timely fashion,” he said.
Over the last 10 years, 24-year-old Purkayastha has become one of the world’s most well known truffle importers. He sells the luxury ingredient to 90 percent of New York’s Michelin-starred restaurants and runs the multimillion dollar food company, Regalis Foods.
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Truffles in Poland

San Marco Ristorante
International White Truffle Fair
Urbani Tartufi
The family tree starts with Constantino Urbani in 1852, when he began exporting fresh truffles to Carpentras, France, thus creating a business that has become increasingly larger and more relevant through the years. Exports quickly expanded to France, Germany, Switzerland and at the same time to other Italian regions. After Constantino, came Paolo Urbani Senior, and then Carlo Urbani. Carlo Urbani, with the invaluable help of his wife Olga, not only became a pioneer of truffle cultivation in Italy, but also a great entrepreneur who reorganized his company putting the focus on his beloved truffle hunters.
This is how Urbani Truffles, nowadays and internationally renowned company, was born. Back then like today, a passion drives us every day: love for truffles. Paolo and Bruno Urbani, Olga and Carlo senior’s sons, are the fourth generation of the family. It’s thanks to them that the company was transformed into a big and beautiful one, but still family-run, a true technologically advanced industry. Paolo Urbani, who really succeeded in giving the family jewel a new face, was also appointed “Cavaliere del Lavoro” for making the truffle a feather in the cap of the Italian market, a product popular all over the world.
Bruno Urbani, after holding important public service positions in the industrial as well as in the banking Italian world, is currently leading the Group. He is now completely devoted to his activity, a precious teacher for the future generations.The current Urbani generation, Olga, Carlo and Giammarco, developed important International branches, the Truffle Museum, the Truffle Academy and the Urbani Travels&Tours. Olga, Paolo’s daughter, directs various departments of the company, managing with resolution and passion the administration, public relations, corporate image, legal, and corporate affairs of Urbani and its subsidiaries.
Giammarco, Bruno’s son, already a successful entrepreneur, now leads the marketing department in Italy and International markets, with a special eye to the United States and the emerging markets. It is his the intuition to expand to the world of mushrooms inaugurating the Urbani Mushroom Division. Carlo, Bruno’s son, leads tirelessly the foreign and Italian market, assuring the efficient and widespread distribution of fresh and preserved products. Luca and Francesco Loreti Urbani, Olga’s sons, represent the company’s sixth generation. Luca, under the careful guidance of his uncle Carlo, has been working for several years in international marketing and the development of Asian markets. Francesco, (24 years old) has started his career in the field of fresh truffles, and has now moved on to his first major project: truffle cultivation. He still continues to work with enthusiasm in both Italian and International sales of Urbani Mushrooms, under the excellent guidance of his uncles Giammarco and Bruno. Ginevra Urbani, Giammarco’s daughter, who is only 6 years old, cries, when visiting the company, they want to bring it home. A sign that the truffle fascination in Urbani’s house seduces since children.
Truffle hunting dogs

Truffle Hunting Dogs: Tracking Underground Treasure Using Trained Dogs
Sometimes called “edible gold,” truffles are likely part of some of your favorite gourmet dishes. But did you know that dogs can be trained to hunt for them? Commonly found from Northern California up throughout Washington and into British Columbia, truffles are fungi that grow at the base of trees. As hard as they are to find, some trained dogs are extremely skilled in detecting them. Truffle hunting is plentiful in the Pacific Northwest, and there’s even a truffle hunting dog competition during the annual two-day Oregon Truffle Festival.
Lisa Brosnan is a dog trainer at The Truffle UnderGround and breeder of Lagotti Romagnoli. She and her two dogs, Gnocchi and Cremini, are regular truffle hunters. The Lagotto Romagnolo is a medium-sized, curly-coated dog from Italy specifically bred in part for truffle hunting. This unique, scent-driven activity can be a lot of fun for dogs and handlers alike.
“Truffle hunting brings together the three loves of my life: working with dogs, being in nature, and eating great food!” explains Brosnan.
Getting Started With Truffle Hunting
Brosnan hasn’t always spent her time in the forest hunting truffles. She first became aware that truffles exist in the Pacific Northwest about eight years ago. She’d been considering a job in a remote part of Washington State and was wondering what to do there on days off. At the same time, Brosnan was considering her next breed after her smart and spunky Puli passed away.
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