Africa Sand Dam Foundation
Our mission is to enable rural communities to conserve soil and water by building sand dams, digging terraces, planting trees, and developing their farms to increase food and income capacity so as to mitigate the effects of climate change within our area of operation.

Mumbai, India. ‘PROJECT Nayi Ummeed’, an initiative by Bisleri International Pvt. Ltd., focuses to conserve rainwater by building and restoring Check Dams. Check Dams help store surface water for use both during and after the monsoon and also help in ground water recharge of the area. Recharge of water helps in raising the water table in the area. The harvested rainwater is used for irrigation, enabling farmers to cultivate their land not once, but multiple times in a year thus powering prosperity and growth
Bisleri undertook the first Check Dam project in 2001 at Village Bara in Kutch, Gujarat. Since then, Check Dams have been built or restored across Gujarat and Western & Central parts of Maharashtra. These Check Dams have helped harvest 16 billion litres of water covering more than 124 villages and benefiting around 10,000 families. A total of 6,000 acres of land has been irrigated turning all the barren lands into fertile farms. As a result, per farmer’s average annual income in some areas of Gujarat and Maharashtra has gone up to almost INR 50,000.

Excellent Development: Pioneer of sand dams
* Support communities in drylands worldwide to achieve water and food security through soil and water conservation and improved farming techniques, as enabled by sand dams.
* Promote community self-help as the critical factor in creating sustainable development.
* Establish sand dams as a key water supply option alongside the more common water solutions.
* Engage with organisations at the local, national and international level to influence and support wider adoption of sand dam technology.
* Promote sand dams and soil and water conservation as a means of combating desertification, mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change, conserving biodiversity and enabling green economic growth.
* Promote the use of sand dam technology as an alternative method of road crossings for seasonal rivers – both for public works and in wildlife reserves.
Company sponsorship projects:
Legal firm SJ Berwin gives a sand dam
Scott Wilson Millennium Project

Farm Africa
Farm Africa promotes the sustainable management of fields, forests, grazing lands and water resources. We use our expertise in participatory forest and rangeland management to bring farmers, governments and other stakeholders together to make agreements on using natural resources sustainably, for the benefit of all.We help develop plans for the holistic management of landscapes, so that gains from rural development in one region are not cancelled out by losses in another.More about the environment >

Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger.
Our goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. With over 194 member states, FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide. We believe that everyone can play a part in ending hunger.

GIZ assists its partners in identifying the wide range of causes of environmental risks. It helps modernise environmental policy at all levels, advises on regional environmental cooperation and develops strategies to embed environmental protection in other areas of policy.
Global concerns such as climate protection, preserving biodiversity, protecting forests and combating desertification are a challenge to the community of nations. GIZ supports processes for developing the international environmental regime, and advises its partners in implementing this.
In anchor countries and emerging nations, GIZ disseminates concepts for resource efficiency and recycling. It assists developing countries in decentralising management of natural resources, to ensure greater efficiency and closer orientation to local needs.

Groasis Ecological Water Saving Technology
Pieter Hoff started to think about a solution how we can plant productive trees and produce food in a water saving way. There had to be a way to raise more awareness and to let people use water in an efficient way. He found the solution, sold his lily company and started to concentrate on the development of the Waterboxx® plant cocoon. After the Waterboxx® plant cocoon, other products were developed to plant trees, shrubs and vegetables in the most effective and water saving way as possible. In the end, you can plant with success with the Groasis Ecological Water Saving Technology and we are working hard to reforest the 2 billion hectares of wastelands in such a way that it is affordable for everyone.

Green Ethiopia
Mission: Improve the nutrition and living situation of people in Ethiopia for sustainable fight of poverty through afforestation and water harvesting, in close collaboration with farmer and women associations.

Securing water resources and improving access to safe water and sanitation facilities are core elements of Helvetas’ work. Helvetas promotes a comprehensive approach that includes distributing water resources fairly, sustainably managing water supply services, efficiently irrigating fields, and improving hygiene practices.In the past five years, over 2,000,000 people have gained access to clean water and sanitation with the help of Helvetas.

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger in rural areas of developing countries.
Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael Jewish National Fund
KKL–JNF is the oldest environmental organization in Israel, having been established over 110 years ago. Throughout the years, we have actively cooperated with many countries and international organizations in a wide variety of projects.
sustainable forest management practices /international climate change initiatives / international water initiatives

The Kuwait Fund
The Kuwait Fund extends Loans on concessionary term to finance development projects in the developing countries. The Fund also provides technical assistance to finance the costs of the feasibility studies of projects, as well as the training of nationals of the borrowing countries. In addition, the Fund subscribes in the capital of international and regional development institutions. Today, the Kuwait Fund forms a solid bridge of friendship and solidarity between the state of Kuwait and the developing nations.

Muonde Trust
The Muonde Trust (a registered charitable body in Zimbabwe) is a community-based organisation dedicated to fomenting locally-driven creativity and development in the Mazvihwa and neighbouring areas of south central Zimbabwe (Zvishavane District). Through locally-driven educational, agricultural and community extension programs, and a healthy dose of action research, we back indigenous development efforts that maintain the connections between spirit, community and ecology.

Nile Basin Iniative (NBI)
https://www.nilebasin.org/The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) is an intergovernmental partnership of 10 Nile Basin countries, namely Burundi, DR Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, The Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. Eritrea participates as an observer. For the first time in the Basin’s history, an all-inclusive basin-wide institution was established, on 22nd February, 1999, to provide a forum for consultation and coordination among the Basin States for the sustainable management and development of the shared Nile Basin water and related resources for win-win benefits
1t.org exists to connect, empower and mobilize a global reforestation community of millions, unleashing their potential to act at an unprecedented scale and speed, to ensure the conservation and restoration of one trillion trees within this decade.
Media articles:
One trillion trees – uniting the world to save forests and climate | World Economic Forum
Trump and the Trillion Trees

Paani Foundation is a not-profit set up in 2016 by the ‘Satyamev Jayate’ TV show team, with the mission of making rural Maharashtra drought-free and prosperous. Drought is largely man-made,and we believe that only people’s efforts can solve this crisis. Our work is towards mobilising and training citizens to lead this fight.
Our flagship initiative, the Satyamev Jayate Samruddh Gaon Spardha, is a competition aimed at transforming village ecology and economy, and creating a movement on sustainable water use. It was launched in 2020, after the tremendous success of the Satyamev Jayate Water Cup, a competition in which thousands of villages competed to do the best and maximum work in water and soil conservation. From 2016-2019, their work led to the creation of 550+ billion litres of water storage capacity in the state!

Rainwater Foundation
The Rainwater Foundation’s focus is on making the concept and practice of rainwater harvesting (RWH) familiar to people in areas that lack sufficient and safe water sources

The project RUVIVAL is an e-learning project of Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) in cooperation with Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU). It is concerned with restoring degraded areas and creating new, not just inhabitable, but liveable spaces. If you want to know more about RUVIVAL, have a look at the project description and our mission statement.

The TerrAfrica Partnership was launched in 2005 and was designed to be an important support of the implementation of the objectives of the United Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). It is a platform for action to implement CAADP Pillar 1 on SLWM, NEPAD’s Environment Action Program (EAP). The partnership represents concerted efforts on the part of sub-Saharan country governments, bilateral and multilateral donors, civil society and the scientific community to strengthen the enabling environment around Sustainable Land and Water Management (SLWM) and to increase the financing available for SLM-related priorities in participating countries.

Tikkum Olam Ventures (TOV)
TOV (Tikkun Olam Ventures), JDC’s new development assistance project, leverages Jewish philanthropy and mobilizes Israel’s innovative agricultural technology (AgTech) and expertise to transform the lives of smallholder farmers in developing societies.
JDC’s decades of experience working in Ethiopia and Israel make us perfectly positioned to match Israeli AgTech and know-how with the needs of Ethiopia’s millions of smallholder farmers, who struggle to increase their crop yields and improve their well-being, part of the 1.5 billion people worldwide who still practice traditional farming methods. Without adopting AgTech, one of Israel’s strengths, traditional farmers will not break out of the cycle of poverty.
Launched with a two-year pilot program in Ethiopia, TOV started with seven demonstration sites — and will expand to provide loans to agricultural enterprises supporting 300-400 farmers growing tomatoes, onions, and hot peppers using Israeli drip irrigation and fertilization systems, hybrid seeds designed to enhance productivity, and training in new agricultural practices. The goal is to reach 4,000-5,000 Ethiopian farmers over a five-year period, benefiting more than 25,000 people overall.
“A proof of how amazing this technology is,” he said, “is that I see that all of the tomato plots in the area are heavily infected with viruses, but in my plot, despite that problem, I succeed in producing salable tomatoes thanks to these new methods.”
Mekuria says he wants to use this new system to grow other “high-quality products that will be good for exporting.” That way he will no longer have to “base my income only on the local market” and can achieve the dreams he has for his family.
Many of his neighbors have visited his farm and would like to join the project, and Mekuria “truly hopes TOV can expand this knowledge to everybody.” He is grateful to “the TOV people, and especially the Israelis” who have come to support him and are “even helping in the field. They are sitting with us on the ground and working with us in the mud, all to improve our society’s life and stop the poverty. I really appreciate that amazing help!”

Planting trees provides families with more than just food. It provides income, empowerment, unity, leadership, education and even saves lives. When we can teach people to value themselves and their environment, they see amazing improvements in their standard of living.

UN Water
We face complex challenges in ensuring everyone has access to sustainably-managed water and sanitation services. To meet this aim, UN-Water informs policy processes by identifying emerging issues and developing effective, collaborative responses. Landmark agreements in recent years on disaster risk reduction, financing, climate change, and the overarching 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development have created a global framework that is intrinsically connected and mutually reinforcing.
“We provide development assistance to help partner countries on their own development journey to self-reliance. We look at ways to help lift lives and build communities.” – USAID Administrator Mark Green

Wash Alliance International
A multi-national consortium of over 100 partners worldwide. By working together with local NGOs, governments and businesses to make sure everybody on this planet has sustainable access to water and sanitation. In Africa programmes are being run in Ghana, Mali, Benin, Uganda, Ethiopia and Kenya. In Asia, we work in Nepal and Bangladesh. In these countries we set up local alliances that enable us to optimally make use of local knowledge and networks and tap into existing WASH structures.

WaterAid transforms lives by improving access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation in the world’s poorest communities. We work with local partners and influence decision-makers to maximise our impact.

Web alliance for Regreening in Africa
W4RA is an interdisciplinary network collaboration of scientists and professionals in information science, informatics, computer science, artificial intelligence, organization, business, and communication sciences, sustainable land management, rural development and web science. It is hosted as an R&D and education program at the Network Institute of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Since its inception in 2009, W4RA has been inspired by the African Regreening Initiatives.
W4RA’s mission is to support farmer-managed regreening activities specifically by enhancing information, communication and knowledge sharing for rural development. It does so by developing and field deploying innovative ICT communication applications that link mobile phones, radio, Internet/Web, with the aim to successfully deliver useful locally relevant voice services and web apps to rural communities – also in remote regions and over long distances. Thus, W4RA provides an important dimension in the communication strategy needed to spread and scale-up regreening.
World Agroforestry
World Agroforestry (ICRAF) is a centre of science and development excellence that harnesses the benefits of trees for people and the environment. Leveraging the world’s largest repository of agroforestry science and information, we develop knowledge practices, from farmers’ fields to the global sphere, to ensure food security and environmental sustainability.

World Resources Institute
WRI is a global research organization that spans more than 60 countries, with offices in the United States, China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and more. Our more than 1,000 experts and staff work closely with leaders to turn big ideas into action to sustain our natural resources—the foundation of economic opportunity and human well-being. Our work focuses on seven critical issues at the intersection of environment and development: climate, energy, food, forests, water, cities and the ocean.
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