Rural Sprout – an informative website for homesteaders and gardeners Whether you’re pulling the plug on the rat race and moving off-grid, keeping a few chickens and a garden inContinue readingRural Sprout – an informative website for homesteaders and gardeners

SwaYYam – turning dry barren land into a productive farmland in India

Facebook: MP24+48H, Yelachatti, Karnataka 571111, India On our way to a bountiful garden that is economically and ecologically sustainable! It’s beenContinue readingSwaYYam – turning dry barren land into a productive farmland in India

Bordeaux mixture – an effective fungus treatment authorized for use in organic farming

Bordeaux mixture—a combination of copper sulfate, lime, and water—is an effective fungicide and bactericide that has been used for decades to controlContinue readingBordeaux mixture – an effective fungus treatment authorized for use in organic farming

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