Cow milk has been an American staple for decades, and now we’re embracing almond, cashew, soy, and oat milk, but what about goat milk? Even though it’s the most consumed milk on the planet, many fear that funky flavor, but goat milk can be incredibly beneficial, economical, and tasty!
About Crow’s Dairy
Website: https://www.crowsdairy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CrowsDairy/
Crow’s Dairy is a 5th generation, family owned and operated 5 acre Arizona dairy farm. In 2008, after 30+ years of milking Holstein cows, the Crow Family began milking their first herd of Nubian dairy goats and have not looked back.

In a short period of time, Crow’s Dairy has acquired an impressive list of resorts and restaurants that use their products. In addition, their products are also available seasonally at farmers markets and from the farm (by appointment only). With the growing demand for their fresh products, their original herd of 25 has expanded to 300 and counting.

The Crow Family, headed by Wendell and his wife Rhonda, is looking forward to providing more local products that are sure to keep their loyal customers coming back!
Arizona PBS Video (April 2, 2020): ‘Back to the Farm’: Crow’s Dairy
The goat cheese on the menu at more than 100 of Arizona’s best restaurants comes from a five-acre family farm on the western outskirts of Phoenix.
Crow’s Dairy Goat “Goatija” Cheese
Edible Phoenix: Crow’s Dairy
Why We Love It: Since 2008, Crow’s Dairy has been the Valley’s leading producer of fresh goat milk, along with cheese, quark and even gelato.
Another multigenerational family with strong roots in Arizona Dairy, Wendell Crow married his high school sweetheart, Rhonda, and worked with his family on their cow dairy at 107th Ave and Broadway in Tolleson. The couple purchased the dairy from Wendell’s father and mother in 1992.
After selling the dairy in 2006, they considered some more 9-to-5 business options, but dairy was just too alluring. In 2008, they returned to their dairy roots, partnering with their daughter Mary and son-in-law Erik. But instead of bovines, the farm took a decidedly caprine twist, milking a healthy herd of Nubian goats on a ranch in Buckeye’s charmingly named Rainbow Valley.
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Nubian Dairy Goat
Source: https://www.thehappychickencoop.com/nubian-goats-what-you-should-know/
Nubian goats were once primarily raised as a dairy goat, but once their superior milk-producing abilities were fully realized this breed soared to the top of the dairy goat breed list.
Even though the vast majority of Nubian goat nannies produce a smaller daily amount of milk than many other top dairy goat breeds, they still top most “most have” lists for both hobby and commercial dairy farmers.
The Nubian goat is perhaps the most identifiable of any breed. Their long and floppy ears are quite distinctive and allow even newbies to the goat keeping world to quickly realize identify them.
Why Do Nubians Make Such A Great Dairy Goat?
Nubian goat milk boasts the highest butterfat content among most standard size breeds. Their milk is surpassed by only by the standard size Boer goat and two miniature breeds, the Nigerian dwarf and Pygmy goats in fat content and overall sweetness of flavor.
With the exceptions noted above, Nubian nanny goats generally produce 5 percent more butterfat rich milk than all other breeds. To put this difference in butterfat content into better perspective, the percentage difference is typically twice that of 2 percent milk sold at your local grocery store.
It is both the butterfat content and general sweet taste of Nubain goat milk that makes it exceptionally good to use in the cheesemaking process.
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