Rewilding: The process of protecting an environment and returning it to its natural state, for example by bringing back wild animals that used to live there
Cambridge English Dictionary
Rewilding Europe
Rewilding Europe is about making Europe a wilder place, with much more space for wildlife, wilderness and wild values.Bringing the variety of life back to Europe’s abandoned lands and exploringnew ways for people to earn a good living from the wild.
We want to make Europe a wilder place, with more space for wild nature, wildlife and natural processes. In bringing back the variety of life, we will continue to explore new ways for people to enjoy and earn a fair living from the wild.
Our aim
To create large, rewilded landscapes in at least 10 different regions across Europe. These will demonstrate how Rewilding Europe’s vision can be put into practice on a far larger scale.
New Head of Rewilding: Raquel Filgueiras
Initiatives (examples)
Back from the brink: the European bison is a living legend
Ongoing conservation efforts mean the European bison recently moved from Vulnerable to Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Bianca Stefanut of the Southern Carpathians rewilding team describes the longstanding importance of this iconic animal to Romanian culture and ecology. Read more
New fallow deer releases in Rhodope Mountains advance natural process recovery
More than 70 fallow deer will be released in the Rhodope Mountains rewilding area in Bulgaria over the 2020/2021 winter period. As part of the long-term restoration of deer populations in the Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria and Greece, the animals will revitalise food chains, create more functional ecosystems and boost nature-based tourism. Read more
New Konik horse release provides further boost for wild nature in the Danube Delta
A herd of 20 Konik horses has just been released onto Ermakov Island in the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta. Following the translocation of 23 animals to the island last year, this new group will further enhance wild nature through their grazing and aid the development of nature-based tourism. Read more
The call of the rewilding movement: A Cambridge symphony
To be at the 2019 Rewilding Symposium was to experience an ecological narrative whose time has come.
Concerns about the capacity of the land to sustain industrial farming techniques – research suggest we are 30-40 years away from the “eradication of soil fertility”– have reached the point where “something has to be done”. And that something, according to the hugely eloquent and well-informed speakers at this Cambridge Conservation Forum (CCF) event, is rewilding.
Rewilding is actually pretty simple. As Devonshire sheep farmer and ecologist Derek Gow said in his barnstorming speech at the Babbage Lecture Theatre in the David Attenborough Building, the challenge is that we just have to let go of the controlling hand humanity has had on nature.
“We have waged war against nature on this planet ever since we could stand on our hind legs,” he said. “We’ve slaughtered, we’ve killed… there is no abomination we have not inflicted on life on this island. …
With speakers and attendees from around the world, the conference brought together thinkers, practitioners and provocateurs to challenge our notions about rewilding, and offer solutions to driving rewilding forward both and the UK and farther afield. …
Rewilding – the missing link in nature restoration?
Jens-Christian Svenning, professor, centerleder, VILLUM Investigator
Department of Bioscience – Aarhus University
Rewilding: a captivating, controversial, 21st century concept to address ecological degradation in a changing world
As you’ll hopefully discover, rewilding pushes the boundaries of our comfort zone by forcing us to recognize the dynamic nature of biological systems, and factor in change instead of fearing it. Ultimately, the rise of the rewilding concept is a sign that new approaches are urgently needed to conserve biodiversity and maintain ecosystem services under increasingly unpredictable global conditions, as traditional approaches on their own are demonstrably unfit for the challenges ahead. …
The Rewilding Institute Website Mission
The Rewilding Institute Website is the essential source of information about the integration of traditional wildlife and wildlands conservation with conservation biology to advance landscape-scale conservation. It provides explanations of key concepts with downloadable documents and links to important papers, essential books, and many groups working on various continental-scale conservation initiatives in North America.