The Scott Rea Project started as just that, a project, a personal passion I have for butchery and food that I wanted to share before the skills and traditions I learnt over a lifetime died away. But it has evolved and become a movement, a mobilisation of like minded people who feed off my videos – they imitate, replicate, modify and experiment! We are dragging game, offal and traditional artisan butchery and recipes into the 21st century for a new generation to discover and enjoy. No longer are these products and methods frowned upon, this new audience are getting back to the basics of field to fork, nose to tail eating.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scottreaproject/
Twitter: @TheScottReaProject
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28 day aged, Ribs of beef.
You don’t see many butchers fridges looking like this nowadays. When I started in the trade, everything was cut off the bone.
Monday to Wednesday spent breaking down all the beef, pork and lamb into their primals and subprimals, ready for the weekends trading.
Apart from a small minority of butchers shops, most beef delivered to butchers these days comes boxed and this is especially true of all supermarket meat. All thats needed is to cut them into steak/roasts etc, this is where we are in danger of losing the true art of butchery. Luckily, one of the butchers I help out i managed to convinced them to go back to hanging beef and this is the reason why. Beautiful, deep red, well hung meat. Meat the colour of fine wine, meat that is dry, tender and full of flavour, note the mould? the right kind of mold, a sure sign of proper aging. I’ve been cutting meat for 34 years now and still get excited cutting top quality beef like this, it gets in your blood, it’s an affliction all be it a good one.
The beef here was killed on the 12th of May & processed today, the 10th of June. Times might/do change but the art of butchery remains the same thankfully.
Scott Rea, LinkedIn post, 11 June 2021

How To Butcher A Cow. A Hindquarter, Hip And Loin. Where Do Steaks Come From?
Beef Butchery… Whereabouts on a cow do the steaks come from? In this video i break down the hip and loin of a cow, the hip and loin is part of the hindquarter of beef… The hindquarter is the back half of the cow, comprised of the top, where we get all our roasting joints from, and the hip and loin, where we get all of our steaks… The hip and loin is made up of the Fillet/tenderloin, the rump and the sirloin, in this video the sirloin is de boned, but if it was to be left on the bone this would be where the porterhouse and t-bone steaks are from. In this video i show the complete process of breaking down the hip and loin and preparing the steaks…
How To Butcher A Ram/Tup & Cook Ram Cutlets
Is Ram meat good enough to eat? The answer is… yes.This is a Tup, better known as a Ram (an uncastrated male Sheep).This Ram was surplus to requirements due to the beast being lame. Its often believed that Ram meat is unpalatable due to the hormones, giving the meat a strong tainted smell and taste, so i decided to check it out for my self, and believe me, thou the meat had a bit more texture, which personally i like, it tasted amazing, and cooked perfectly.
How To Make Bacon Part1. The Easy Cure Method
How To Make Classic Dry Cured Bacon. In this episode i show you the easiest way to make amazing bacon at home, using the shop bought Easy Cure that butchers use in their shops. This method could not be any easier, and the results are fantastic, giving you great bacon for very little work.. In part 2 we will be making bacon from scratch with our own cure…. Enjoy. Below it the link for the curing mix from weschenfelder.. https://www.weschenfelder.co.uk/bacon…
Whole Lamb Butchery In Real Time
A whole English lamb cut up in real time… I was asked to butcher 3 wonderful lambs for a farmer friend, I decided to set up my camera and just let it roll as i cut up the last lamb to his specification, as he wanted them prepared in a certain way, heres how i did it. Enjoy
Home Killed Lamb. Part 1. The Silence Of
Home Killed Lamb. Taking a whole lamb from field to fork. In this episode we show the killing, skinning and dressing out of the lamb.it is done quickly and humanely.. warning there are very graphic scenes…
Ahead Of The Game 2018: The Catcher And The Rea
Reviewer, USA
A truly comprehensive work.
I received this book about a month ago and I am ordering another in hopes of getting one to give to one of my former apprentices. As a retired chef and owner of a small grocery and deli, I have a collection of over 235 cookbooks. This is one of the first I will be showing off. The detail that this book goes into from the hunt to the plate is so rare. What I find most important is the way in which the authors stress the connections between all the creatures involved in an ecosystem (including us) and how this book encourages respect for the sanctity of those relationships and all living things. A masterful work by a couple of true masters that gives us a glimpse of how rewarding living in balance with nature can be.
The Merchant Of Venison

In The Merchant of Venison, Scott provides dozens of exceptional venison-based recipes, takes readers through a butchery masterclass as he breaks down a whole carcass and also talks about his love of hunting. It’s another must-buy title from the multiple award-winner, who was named UK Game Hero of the Year and UK Butcher of the Year in The 2018 Eat Game Awards. And with this also destined to sell out quickly, the best advice is to buy your copy now.