Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swayyam/
Address: MP24+48H, Yelachatti, Karnataka 571111, India
On our way to a bountiful garden that is economically and ecologically sustainable!
It’s been 5 years into this project with our work on the farm and we’re still struggling with our vegetable gardens. The village community we work in on our project 1000treeproject comprises of marginal, subsistence farmers who suffer from malnutirtion and anaemia. We know we can address this with healthy food and for that we need to learn how to build soil fertility, how to manage the crops efficiently, what techniques and low tech tools to use, how to plan and strategise our crops with as little external inputs etc. While doing so we also want to create financially robust systems that can be replicated and scaled up by our farmer folks with ‘each one teach one’ model. Jean Martin and his wife from The Market Gardener is a great example of what can be possible on a small acreage with minimum human labour and inputs. They have a masterclass that can hugely help us in learning their methods and tools to enable us to achieve our goals.

A Sister Project in India we support in small ways…
In 2014, Midwest Permaculture was visited by Malvikaa Solanki of India and her colleague Levi Mataga of the US.

Malvikaa was in the early stages of a pioneering permaculture project in India called swaYYam (a word that implies “unified self” in Sanskrit). The goal was to demonstrate an authentic and sustainable way of living to a culture that, like many, was blindly following what is called ‘progress’ rather than making conscious decisions concerning the long-term heath and survivability of themselves and their communities.
Bill and Becky quickly realized that Malvikaa was a dedicated and passionate person undertaking very important work in her part of the world. An early bond was created between our two projects as we share similar visions for how humans can live on this planet.
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