TastEd helps children to learn to enjoy eating vegetables and fruit by using the senses. Our aim is to help build a generation of children who actually enjoy healthy foods, especially vegetables and fruits, and who have a positive relationship with food and their own bodies. At TastEd, we share a belief that every child deserves access to good food as well as the opportunity to try a range of ingredients. A child who won’t taste broccoli often becomes an adult who never eats it. Our mission is to create opportunities for children to use their natural curiosity to widen their preferences in a healthier and more diverse direction.
Working to change the way that food education is taught in the U.K
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tasted/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tastedfeed?lang=en

Bee Wilson is a food writer and broadcaster and the author of five books, including First Bite: How We Learn to Eat (2016) in which she wrote about the Sapere method of food education in Finland. Her latest book is The Way We Eat Now in which she writes about TastEd. She has long been interested in school food and served two terms as a school governor at St Matthew’s primary school in Cambridge, where she has been piloting TastEd lessons alongside teachers. Her current favourite way to eat a carrot is in a Burmese salad with mint, peanuts and lime juice.