The Legbar is a rare British auto-sexing breed of chicken. It was created in the early twentieth century by Reginald Crundall Punnett and Michael Pease at the Genetical Institute of Cambridge University.
Source: https://www.backyardchickens.com/reviews/legbar.11436/
The Legbar breed was the second autosexing chicken breed created in the early twentieth century by Reginald Crundall Punnett and Michael Pease at the Genetical Institute ofCambridge University (the other being the Cambar, which was created in 1929). The Legbar was created by crossing Barred Plymouth Rocks, Leghorns, Cambars, and in the case of the Cream Legbar, Araucanas. The Araucana blood in the Cream Legbar is reflected in its crest and blue to blue-green eggs.
The aim of the breeding project was to create an autosexing utility breed with the focus on egg laying, where male and female day old chicks could easily be sexed by their down colour. To achieve this Punnet and Pease used a crossing programme with excellent egg layers, the Leghorn and the Barred Plymouth Rock. The Barred Plymouth Rock was used to introduce the sex-linked barring gene (‘barring’ (B)) into the Leghorn. By crossing Brown Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Rock the Gold Legbar was created and standardised in 1945. The Silver Legbar followed in 1951. It had been created by crossing the Gold Legbar, White Leghorn and Silver Cambar. The Cream Legbar were standardised in 1958 but nearly died out in the 1970’s as blue eggs were not in demand any more. They were created by crossing Gold Legbar with White Leghorn and creme-coloured Araucanas. The Araucanas introduced the dilute creme gene (‘inhibitor of gold’ (ig)), as well as the crest and the blue eggs into this variety.
General Information
Breed Purpose Dual Purpose
Comb Single
Broodiness Seldom
Egg Productivity Medium
Egg Size Medium
Egg Color Blue
Breed Temperament Moderate
Breed Size Large Fowl
Farm – United Kingdom
Higher Oak Farm is a small family run, natural farm offering free range chickens
and eggs for sale in Cheshire.
At Higher Oak Farm we care passionately about the provenance of our birds, bees and eggs.
We believe in farming as naturally as possible.
We believe in working in harmony with nature and try to give all our animals as natural an environment as possible.
We feel that by farming everything naturally, the taste is Naturally Better.
Farm – United States
This breed is rare in the United States but is one of the most popular breeds worldwide. They lay large numbers of pastel eggs, are sexable at hatch and sport a stylish head crest to boot. See below for more information and breed history.
We process orders as we receive them so place your order as soon as you can to improve your place in line.
Considering Cream Legbar chickens? The 14 things you must know first