Association for Sustainable Agriculture & Food in Poland/Polskie Stowarzyszenie Zrównoważonego Rolnictwa i Żywności
About the Association
The Association for Sustainable Agriculture & Food in Poland is a non-commercial initiative of a group of companies and individuals representing various branches of the food chain. The Association is involved in a series of activities to promote, educate and cooperate in the area of sustainable agriculture in Poland.
The Association for Sustainable Agriculture & Food in Poland was founded in 2014 at the initiative of companies and individuals interested in the development of sustainable agriculture in Poland. Our members are representatives of brands from the entire food responsibility chain. What persuaded us to join our efforts was, above all, the awareness of our responsibility for good quality food and the desire to reinforce the potential of Polish agriculture.
Over several years, the number of our members increased to include representatives of other branches of the food chain. Currently, the Association is composed of manufacturers of seeds, seed potatoes, barley malt, fertilisers and crop protection products, feed distributors and specialized phytogenic products producers, processors of fruit and vegetables, as well as representatives of the financial, restaurant and brewing sectors.
Our strategic partner is Accenture sp. z o. o., which advises us on strategic projects to promote sustainability. Together we create solutions that support the Association’s goals.
A particular role in the Association is played by agricultural organisations, thanks to which we are sure that our activities address the needs of farmers. Our cooperation involves popularisation of the idea and practices of sustainable agriculture, as well as development of common positions and analyses. We and our partners speak with a common voice, as well as have a real impact on the shape of the Common Agricultural Policy and the promotion of sustainable agriculture in Poland. Dialogue coherence, broader communication, exchange of views, practical experiences, and knowledge transfer are just some of the ideas behind this cooperation.
Our aid to farmers, on the other hand, involves creation of didactic tools, amongst others, in the area of developing managerial skills of farmers and implementing sustainable agricultural practices. At the same time, we support the transformation of Polish rural areas, which still need adequate knowledge on how to improve the efficiency of farming activities and guarantee high production standards, as well as how to produce food in an environmentally friendly manner.
The knowledge of sustainable agriculture is essential throughout the food responsibility chain, so companies and consumers are also important to us.
The knowledge of sustainable agriculture is essential throughout the food responsibility chain, so companies and consumers are also important to us. We take active part in public consultations to have a real impact on shaping the direction of financial incentives under the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy for the years 2021-2027.
Wielkopolska Agricultural Advisory Centre (WAAC)
Wielkopolska Agricultural Advisory Center in Poznań offers advisory and training for farmers and residents of rural areas in agriculture.

A nature reserve includes areas preserved in a natural or slightly changed state, ecosystems, refuges and natural habitats, as well as plant habitats, animal habitats and fungal habitats as well as creations and components of inanimate nature, distinguished by special natural, scientific, cultural or landscape values.
‘Organic farming – where to start?’/Rolnictwo ekologiczne – od czego zacząć?

‘Woodlots – not just an element of the landscape’/Zadrzewienia – nie tylko element krajobrazu – Wiesława Witaszek

‘Organic food as one of the factors affecting human health’/Żywność ekologiczna jako jeden z czynników wpływających na zdrowie człowieka
Kujawsko-Pomorski Agricultural Advisory Centre (KPAAC)

Kuyavian-Pomeranian Agricultural Advisory Centre in Minikowo (KPAAC) is a public consultancy institution employing 250 employees including 57 institutional experts dealing with environmental, farming and rural consultancy as well as 130 field advisors who have daily contact to farmers, entrepreneurships, and other inhabitants of rural areas in order to increase farm incomes and improve living conditions in the countryside and municipalities KPODR provides its services to a diverse range of organisations in the private and public sectors as well as to individuals.
KPODR organises and carries out annually approx. 1500 training days, 30 conferences, 13,500 individual advices, 20,000 elaborations (business plans, funds applications, etc.), and 350 publications and fairs.
Organic farming
Since its inception in 1985, the first organic farms in our province and also in whole country, the Centre gave them advice and promotion. We developed methods of education and awareness raising in this area. There are different kinds of conferences, workshops, training, and publications, to the producers of organic food and consumers. The promotion of organic farming and products can also be found at mass events and competitions for the audience.
In 2012, on an organic farm of the Zdziarscy family in Labiszyn was established as a Demonstration and Training Centre under the international project BERAS IMPLEMENTATION. The farm has become a place of practical activities for advisers and youth. There you can almost trace the entire system of organic production „from farm to table”, e,g. From crops and livestock through processing and distribution.
The newly planned measures for organic farming under the RDP 2014-2020, is another opportunity and good prospects for the development of this production. It is also another challenge for specialists and consultants of the Centre to prepare farmers to benefit from EU support.
Example report: ‘Woodlots in the agricultural landscape’ – Karina Wroniecka KPAAC
*** is a free-of-charge and first in Poland (in terms of extensiveness) online platform with professional knowledge and innovative tools for agricultural producers and food processors.
The platform was created by Bank BNP Paribas, the leader of financial services for the food and agriculture sector. In addition to financing the development of the food production chain in Poland, the Bank has set itself the goal of delivering the best industry know-how to the market, so that farmers, processors and major food producers can run and grow their businesses more easily.
In accordance with the slogan “Nature of business”, the platform focuses on issues related to green transformation of the food production sector. We facilitate smooth operation in a rapidly changing reality, shaped by new consumer expectations related to the care for the planet and new regulations such as e.g. the European Green Deal.
Agronomist – benefit from sustainable production!
Fair and sustainable transformation of the food production sector is a way to increase competitiveness. Examples of transformation, reliable knowledge and useful tools – You can find all this at
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The Horizon Europe NutriBudget project aims to help agriculture to intensify sustainably in order to meet the demands of optimising yields without compromising environmental integrity or public health.
NutriBudget covers 5 pilot regions in 4 different climate zones across the EU where new agronomic mitigation measures are being tested. The ultimate goal is to develop and implement a prototype of an integrated nutrient management platform, called NutriPlatform as a decision-support tool, tailor-made for different stakeholders such as farmers, advisors, European policy makers and regional authorities in their quest for nutrient use optimization.
17 partners from 8 EU countries, Switzerland, and Norway are joining forces to implement this project.