Regenerative agriculture is the new farming buzzword, but few can agree on what it means

Sustainable farming movement is gaining popularity in Australia but still lacks a common definition or accreditation system to help consumers make informedContinue readingRegenerative agriculture is the new farming buzzword, but few can agree on what it means

Beaver Dams, Beaver Dam Analogs (BDAs) and Rock Dams – for slowing down and holding water

The beneficial role of beaver dams in restoring rivers In the deserts of north America something incredible is happening, these arid landsContinue readingBeaver Dams, Beaver Dam Analogs (BDAs) and Rock Dams – for slowing down and holding water

Groundswell – The Regenerative Agriculture Festival in the UK

***Website: Youtube: The Groundswell Festival provides a forum for farmers, growers, or anyone interested in food production and the environmentContinue readingGroundswell – The Regenerative Agriculture Festival in the UK

The EU Green Deal

Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent Source: Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and theContinue readingThe EU Green Deal

Opinion: Why small family farms should be the future of agriculture in Britain

Source: Country Life – Many aspects of farming are expanding — and not always in a good way. Jason Goodwin arguesContinue readingOpinion: Why small family farms should be the future of agriculture in Britain

Climate Change Is Walloping US Farms. Can This Farm Bill Create Real Solutions?

Although it seems like everyone in D.C. is buzzing about a “climate farm bill,” some of the most impactful changes, including cropContinue readingClimate Change Is Walloping US Farms. Can This Farm Bill Create Real Solutions?

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