The increasingly serious problem of drying out land and diminishing water supplies – and some solutions

INDIA TANZANIA LEBANON Refugees plant new trees for Lebanon Lebanon’s forests have been devastated by illegal logging and forest fires. Working onContinue readingThe increasingly serious problem of drying out land and diminishing water supplies – and some solutions

Turning Israel’s barren terrain into a green oasis – The Israel Guys

We’re super excited to launch the brand-new website,, where you can get involved in our tree planting project. Our goal isContinue readingTurning Israel’s barren terrain into a green oasis – The Israel Guys

Becoming Drought Resilient: Why African Farmers Must Consider Drought Tolerant Crops

By Esther Ngumbi ILLINOIS, United States, Mar 15 2019 (IPS) – The latest UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s annual Africa Regional Overview ofContinue readingBecoming Drought Resilient: Why African Farmers Must Consider Drought Tolerant Crops

Exploring the links between modern agriculture, drought, and rising incidents of dust storms and respiratory illness

Dust Is a Growing Problem. What Role Does Farmland Play? In December, the skies took on an eerie sepia glow. Visibility dropped toContinue readingExploring the links between modern agriculture, drought, and rising incidents of dust storms and respiratory illness

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