SwaYYam – turning dry barren land into a productive farmland in India

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swayyam/Address: MP24+48H, Yelachatti, Karnataka 571111, India On our way to a bountiful garden that is economically and ecologically sustainable! It’s beenContinue readingSwaYYam – turning dry barren land into a productive farmland in India

Mount Sinai Permaculture – Egypt

Contact email: mallaithy@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/Mount.Sinai.Permaculture/ … is an ambitious project established in the heart of the Mountains of St. Catherine, South Sinai, Egypt.Continue readingMount Sinai Permaculture – Egypt

As the West Faces a Drought Emergency, Some Ranchers are Restoring Grasslands to Build Water Reserves

Western ranchers are restoring diverse, grassland ecosystem practices that can improve the land’s capacity to hold water—and help them hold onto moreContinue readingAs the West Faces a Drought Emergency, Some Ranchers are Restoring Grasslands to Build Water Reserves

Polyculture Farms Dryland Permaculture

Polyculture Farms aims to educate and inform people about desertification and dryland restoration using permaculture principles. Our first regen site is locatedContinue readingPolyculture Farms Dryland Permaculture

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